Propaganda, terror and coercion underpinned the creation and maintenance of the Nazi state. Consider this in the period 1933-1939.
The adage that perception is often stronger than reality has never been truer than in the Nazi state of 1933-1939, where image played a colossal role in the anti-semitic and Hitler myth propaganda of Joseph Goebbels. Image manufactured the fearful aura of the Gestapo as well as the ubiquitous representation of the law, both of which created and cemented acquiescence amongst the German population. It was through the creation of perception in Nazi society that propaganda, terror and coercion underpinned the creation and maintenance of the Nazi state.
Any attempt to gauge the success of Nazi propaganda in the creation and maintenance of the Nazi state is somewhat difficult, as German society during 1933-1939 was so heavily influenced by terror and coercion that reported opinion did not necessarily reflect the true sentiment of the public. Nevertheless, it would be naïve to disregard the significant role that Nazi propaganda played in ensuring that the German public were …show more content…
This group was comprised of members of the Sturmabteilung, the Schutzstaffel and the Stahlhelm (a conservative veterans’ organisation). The implication of the creation of a relatively insignificant group such as the Hilfspolizei, was that it became apparent that the Nazi state would unreservedly lend “legality to the terror tactics of the storm troopers.” Legal terror tactics in effect allowed the Nazis to remove the Left from public view, and were effective in that most opponents feared making political contacts following the widespread publication in the newspapers of the arrests and raids made by the SA and the