Objective cues:
• Breast tenderness
• Temperature is elevated (38.3 degree celcius)
• Body malaise
• Scant amount of breast milk
• Headache
Subjective cues:
“Sakit kaayo akong totoy day. Lain jud kaayo siya”
Altered comfort: Acute pain related to mastitis Mastitis refers to the parenchymatous inflammation of the mammary glands. Causative organism is usually staphylococcus aureus from the neonate’s throat or nose. After holistic caring care the patient will be able to verbalize relief of pain • Assess and record the amount of discomfort
• Instruct the mother to wear firm breast binder or well-fitted brazier
• Encourage use of small side pillows for support
• Institute infection control measures such as breast hygiene
• Administer antibiotic such as dicloxacillin for 10 days
The patient verbalizes relief of pain
Objective cues:
• Breast appears lumpy and red
• Burning sensation while breastfeeding
• Warmth to touch
• Swelling of the breast
• General malaise
Subjective cues:
“Lisuran nako patotoy day.” Ineffective breast feeding related to pain secondary to mastitis Mastitis Occurs postpartum in about 1% of patients, mainly in primiparas who are breastfeeding. The pathologic organism usually enters through a crack or fissure in the nipples
After it enters, the organism travels to the milk ducts where breast milk provides an excellent medium for growth
After holistic caring care the patient will be able to continue breast feeding • Show how to position the infant properly
• Suggest applying a warm wet towel to the affected breast
• Encourage the patient to pump breast milk in the unaffected side
• Instruct the patient to use other alternatives such as formula feeding
• Teach the patient good health care, breast care and breast-feeding habits