“White Collar” is a show based on a man named Neal Caffrey, a wanted person by the FBI. He has been playing cat and mouse with the FBI for about three years and has been finally caught by an agent named Peter Burke. However, Neal Caffrey is known to be a very intelligent culprit. Neal Caffrey proposes an idea of working along with Peter Burke to hunt down white collar criminals using his skillful instincts. Peter Burke accepts his proposal and work together. In the episode 2 called“Threads”, it happens to be fashion week. Caffrey and Burke are given a task of finding an Israeli counterfeiter named Ghovat who happened to murder one of his business associates. Caffrey and Burke got the …show more content…
They then drew the implications that if the witness showed up at the party she will be able to hear if Ghovat is present. The implications was then tested. Caffrey showed up at the party with the witness as his date. They mingled around and although they did not find Ghovat himself yet, they were able to find someone who looked suspicious named Dmitri and realized that that person was talking to Ghovat over the phone. After this occurred, the same problem presented itself: how do they get a hold of Ghovat himself at the party? Caffrey hypothesized Dmitri had some connection to Ghovat through their conversation over the phone call and get a hold of Ghovat through him. Caffrey drew the implications that if he is able to get the Dmitri’s phone, Caffrey can call Ghovat himself without it being obvious and get his phone to ring out loud at the party. The implication was tested by Caffrey “accidentally” bumping into him and stealing his phone. Caffrey then contacts Ghovat. Unfortunately Caffrey was unsuccessful, Ghovat was able to get step ahead of Caffrey by placing the phone in someone else’s pocket and leaving the party