There is not one universal definition of what equality or diversity mean, but equality in its simplest form can be defined as free from discrimination or more simply treating people fairly. Diversity is closely related to equality but has a much broader concept; it can be defined as respecting, accepting and valuing all forms of differences in individuals. These differences being either visual such has skin colour or physical disability or non-visual such as marital status or religion and belief.
Many protected characteristics underline Nebyat Yamenes case. The most evident is her hearing impairment and her difficulty of moving her right arm. As a pharmacist, you encounter many people with many different disabilities and impairments. A pharmacist most therefore ensure that they offer the best help and guidance for these people. People with a hearing impairment can face many barriers when there using their local pharmacy. …show more content…
A pharmacy offers more services than prescribing, dispensing and advising on drugs. It plays a focal point for the local community, attracting other businesses and working with a variety of other health care providers whilst also offering other services. Community Pharmacist are one of the healthcare provides who have a prolonged relationship with the public. Neybat’s local pharmacy can referee and signpost Neybat to other health and social care providers and sign her on to support groups and local sports organisations. Religion plays a major role in Neybat’s life; therefore, pharmacy could work with the community and other organisations to find or start an Eritrean Orthodox (Christian) place of worship for neybat and the Eritrean community. This would give Neybat a sense of community and comfort that her religious observance gave to