by providing Rukmani medical services. Rukmani was a woman living married in the depths of poverty with her family. In order for her to triumph over adversity as women, she had to produce male offspring. Her first attempt was failure given that she produced a female. Kenny, Rukmani’s physician, aided her by introducing post-modern medical treatments. In the end, Kenny successfully helped Rukmani become fertile and give birth to a five male children. Therefore, Kenny was a miraculous soul because he benefitted Rukmani. He wanted her to have a son since males had more value than females. He knew that this situation would make Rukmani’s life more bountiful. Also, he risked his integrity in order to provide overwhelmingly superior healthcare for her.
Kenny was a magnificent doctor who cared for his patients.
For example, he looked after Rukmani’s mother when she was terminally ill. Eventually, he felt that it had become necessary for him to treat everyone in the village. The village never had sufficient healthcare services much less a hospital; Kenny designed and implemented a hospital, which included state of the art medical treatments. He believed that his hospital would be the key to healthy living in the peregrinated village. “ I am indebted to him as well. I need an assistant, he promises to be a good one and will I hope be the first of many. I could not carry on alone. The town has grown and is still growing, as you know” (Ch.21 pg.110) The hospital he founded became a necessity for everyone, especially the elderly and the children. The hospital was a symbol of hope for the unemployed and showed a sign of growth for the village. If he had not set the hospital up, many lives would have perished from disease and pestilence. Kenny was in fact a very gracious individual because of his well-needed show of …show more content…
Kenny left his wife and children behind in order to fulfill his need to have a grand adventure.
He was devoted to caring for his family but decided to help people that needed more assistance then his family. “ I have usual encumbrances that men have, wife, children, home that would have put chains about me but I resisted, and so I am alone. As for coming and going, I do as I please, for am I not my own matter? I work among you have my spirit wills it… I go when I am tired your follies and stupidities, your eternal, shenku, poverty.” (Ch.12 pg.70) His perseverance altered the course of his life since he became a doctor instead of a family man. In fact, he believes that his life’s true calling is to “save” the people in the Indian village. So in all reality, Kenny was a man of admirable character. He left his own family and children to fulfill his role as the doctor of the village. He felt various intentions rising from his own sedentary experiences that allowed him to make this prolonged decision. Arising from amidst his own animosity, he felt as though his choice was correct since he was able to help the village become biologically
The inevitable truth of the matter is that Kenny was a charitable and gracious person, not a white supremacist because he helped Rukmani with her fertility issue, founded a hospital, and abandoned his family for the cause. Kenny used his own knowledge and in spite of his integrity, he gave fertility to Rukmani. Also, his intentions toward the overall health of the village were very integrated. He even founded a hospital to benefit the needs of the village. Finally, he showed amazing practicality since he even left his family to work towards his cause. This is the very intrigued placidity of Kenny.