1. Training Needs Assessment
Content of Needs Assessment Report:
Introduction o Describe the purpose of the needs assessment, and present the sub‐sections of the report (what it includes). Indicate which levels of needs will be analyzed and, if omitting any, explain why.
Process and tools o For each level of need assessed:
Describe the method(s) used to assess needs.
Describe the sources of data.
Present the tool(s) used.
Describe the different steps of the needs analysis/assessment process
Data analysis o Present the data, in condensed form (categories, percentages, etc.).
Recommendations o Identify the main issue(s) or needs that training can address. o Suggest a type of training (subject matter). o Identify the main learning outcome or goal. o Indicate how this goal ties in with organizational goals or objectives, i.e. how it will address the gap between what is and what is desired. o Identify specific learning objectives (per level).
Appendix o Attach any material you used to take notes, such as filled out questionnaires, etc.
Evaluation criteria (/40):
The introduction presents the purpose of the needs assessment effectively and correctly; it also gives a clear indication of what is to come (2 pts).
The process, methods, tools and sources are appropriate and sufficient to obtain pertinent and practical data. The framework for the assessment demonstrates an understanding and ability to apply a multi‐level approach to assessing needs (15 pts).
The data analysis is thorough, exact, well done and easy to understand (7 pts).
The recommendation is supported by data, the links between identified need and the ability to meet those needs through training are appropriate, and the suggested type of training is relevant and feasible/ realistic. (6 pts).
The learning goal or outcome and the learning objectives are in line with the data, the results of the analysis, and the organization’s objectives