• any risks that you need to consider and actions taken to minimise those risks…
In the article state that kids have to drink and wear makeup to be cool. This shows that kids try to act cool, and go to parties. Furthermore, this also illustrates that they try so hard to fit in. Additionally Jan hoffman explains in paragraph 4 it states that kids try to be cool that they’re starting to have behavior problems. This shows that they have behavior problems. Moreover, this exemplifies they are doing more extreme thing to act cool. All in all this goes to shows kids try to hard to act…
Almost all the young people follow everything they basically see on television, they would think that the best way to feel cool is to act the way those bad girls act. My younger sister is a perfect example, she used to be such a nice girl; she used to follow and listened to everything I used to tell her…
Central Idea: Marketers love teens because they easily spend money on “luxury” items such as clothing, electronics, and music. They mostly make their purchase decisions independently, have significant influence on family purchases, and companies know that once they have “branded” a child, they are likely to be customers for life. They reach kids by advertising in magazines, movies, TV shows, and on the internet. Companies get info about kids spending habits from internet “quizzes” and “surveys”. Marketers know how to capitalize on important teen issues and anxieties, like body image, peer acceptance, coolness, and need for power.…
Areas where heart valve closures can be heard-s1, loudest at APEX, S2 LOUDEST AT BASE OF HEART.…
LC is a 65 y/o caucasian female diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of lung. Introduced self to patient, explained assessment procedure to patient. Patient awake alert, oriented x 3, pleasant and follows commands. PERL, mucus membranes pale, lips dry and cracked. Multiple small bruises on bilateral arms and on legs. No further skin breakdown observed. Port-a-cath left upper chest under skin, no redness around site, port is not accessed at this time. No JVD observed. Patient states she has been coughing up small amounts of blood, lungs with bilateral crackers and diminished sounds in left lower lobe of lung. Respirations unlabored 18 rpm, no use of accessory muscles.Patient states she has to use 2 pillows at night to sleep. Oxygen @ 2L per nasal cannula, patient wears 24/7. Heart rate and rhythm regular, S1/S2 auscultated, apical pulse 68, no gallops noted, no murmurs auscultated. Abdomen soft, nontender to palpation, scar from belly button to pelvis (patient has history of C-section and hysterectomy), Bowel sounds present and active x 4 quadrants, patient states that last BM was normal earlier this AM. Patient states that she has frequent nausea and vomiting. Patient voiding without difficulty, at times has stress incontinence. Urine dark. No edema observed. Patient moves all extremities with weakness bilaterally. Patient's gait unsteady, states she just doesn't have good balance. Patient walks with cane. Patient walks less than 50 feet and becomes short of breath. Education given on signs and symptoms of dehydration and the need to increase fluid intake and notify doctor if unable to void. Patient verbalizes understanding.…
The movie, "The Merchants of Cool", presented an in-depth look at the relationship between marketing giants and the individuality and "coolness" of teens today. I was surprised by some of the things shown in the movie; not that I was ignorant of the fierce marketing tactics used by companies to sell their product, but I was unaware of the extent that some are willing to go to. Sprite for instance, paid teenagers $50 each to come, dance, and have a good time at the launch party for its website. This party was filmed by MTV, and broadcast to millions of teens who were accordingly influenced by this new trend. To me, it seems that by attempting to discover cool trends before they flourish, with "cool hunting", companies themselves eventually kill whatever trends they find. They are encouraging trends that may have never surfaced without intervention, and repressing others that they deemed unmarketable. The results of this craving for foreknowledge of the next trend are frequently unsavory, as is seen in the case of MTV's ethnographic study, where researchers visited teens at their homes and attempted to analyze them as if their individuality could be synthesized and then marketed. From these studies, arose what "The Merchants of Cool" call the mook and the midriff. The mook is an extremely rude and immature character who completely disregards what others think of him and his actions. This character is portrayed by actors such as Tom Green and is seen in the show "Jackass". The midriff is the character that media says a teenage girl should be; comfortable and extremely open with her sexuality. These "standards" that the media creates are obviously flawed.…
1. In an interview, the nurse may find it necessary to take notes to aid his or her memory later. Which statement is true regarding note-taking?…
Inspired by the Freedom Rides of the United States in 1961, a group of 29 students from the University of Sydney undertook a bus trip to a number of towns in New South Wales from 12 to 26 February 1965.…
J Am Coll Health (2006, December). Barriers to reporting sexual assault for women and men: perspectives of college students. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17175901…
Lunch: small bowl of white rice, chicken soup with potato & carrot & green bean, steak (around 8-10 oz. steak, my Mom’s special, yummy)…
| Prepare professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership/management positions…
If you had conduct needs assessment for a new job at a new plant, describe the method you would use.…
This report will provide information and summary of Chester County community health needs assessment of children with dental health care needs. Quantitative information from the US census and Chester county department of health will provide the required statistics for the report, which will be compared to the Healthy people 2020 goals and objectives to determine the state of dental health care for children.…
In today's day and age, the general public is all too concerned about how people look, rather than who people are. This conquest for social acceptance becomes so real that the idea then becomes an obsession. The way we look plays a big role in our lives. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are easily influenced by appearances, and will stop at nothing to gain a perceived image. By achieving these perceived images, the youth's of America are hurting themselves, whether they know they are or not. Youth culture is found throughout self-beautification by means of advertising and marketing, and general production. Young preadolescent and adolescent teens have a yearning desire to look older and beautiful, while older middle aged adults languish to look youthful and more attractive. Millions of dollars are spent every year to try to enhance one's beauty. This constant struggle between what is and what is wanted seems to have virtually no end in sight.…