An Investigatory Project
ABSTRACT This investigatory project deals with the processing of Neem Tree Leaves (Azadiracha Indica) and utilizing them as insect repellant. Expert analysis showed that Neem tree leaves are good and tested as insect repellant. These leaves can be found everywhere in the locality. People in the community who could not afford to buy insect repellant could easily produce by just gathering these leaves. Neem tree leaves were pounded gently and soak it in a pot with water for 3 days, strain to get the clear extract, dilute with water, add soap and ready to spray on the infested plants. With this project, people will not worry to get amount to buy commercial products for insect repellant. It is only the people initiative, resourcefulness and patience to do work.
A. Backround of the Study Botanical pesticides are secondary plant compounds that are extracted for use in pest management schemes to deter or eliminate pest pests. They are effective and less harmful to the environment since they are naturally derived. Insects pests are one of the common problems among farmers wich caused low production. Unluckily, they could not afford to buy commercial repellant. In order to combat or reduce this problem this study was conducted to help solve the common problem of the masses. Ultimately, the neem leaves has been tested as an effective insect repellant.
B. Purpose of the Study This project aim to prove that the neem leaves is an effective insect repellant to drive away insect particularly.
C. Staement of the Problem