Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be feared” (Shakespeare 3:1:50-53), which shows Macbeth’s fear towards Banquo and the paranoia that he will be overthrown, which drives him to order the death of Banquo. Finally, near the end of the story, Lady Macbeth begins to sleepwalk, “As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest” (Shakespeare 5:3:40-41) during which she says things such as, “What, will these hands ne'er be clean?” (Shakespeare 5:1:31), implying that her late-night actions are triggered by the fear and guilt she has over the murders of the other characters. Overall, the play Macbeth contains multiple characters who, throughout the story, make decisions that are ultimately driven by paranoia and…
“To be thus is nothing, but to be safety thus – our fears in Banquo stick deep.” Macbeth does not say in his soliloquy why he fears Banquo; because Banquo heard the witches’ prophecy and probably suspected Macbeth of the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth feels that Banquo is naturally superior to him, and being near Banquo makes him feel ashamed. Immediately after the murder of King Duncan and his ascent to the throne, Macbeth arranges for the murder of Banquo. He would rather see “the frame of things disjoin, both the worlds suffer,” than continue to “eat our meal in fear and sleep in affliction of these terrible dreams that shake us nightly.” Also, Macbeth has reason to fear Banquo as according to the witches’ prophecy, Banquo would not be king, but his children and their children would be kings, and he does not want a meaningless crown on his head that Banquo’s children would just steal off him.…
“There's but one down, the son fled.” (III.III.23) Macbeth wants to protect his reputation, and through the fear of guarding his ambition he overlooks Banquo's loyalty and thinks that by killing Banquo, his ambition won’t be at risk. “Tis better thee without, than thee with.” (III.IV.14) Macbeth would’ve been highly alarmed if Banquo was still alive, after killing Banquo he is relieved. He’s so relieved that he explains to the first murderer, blood is better on his face than to be running in Banquo's bloodstream. Alongside that, we all fear something and somehow it can drive one’s conscience, pride or ego any direction depending on the choices one has…
In the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s decisions are heavily influenced by Lady Macbeth and the witches. Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan, and the witches predict Macbeth’s future life by showing him. Therefore the decisions that the other characters make are crucial because they really shape out the life of Macbeth during and after he obtains the throne. The advice he takes will eventually lead to his demise due mainly because he couldn’t say no or see future problems arise.…
To illustrate, Macbeth kills the guards to try to maintain his appearence of innocence. After just killing Duncan in his sleep, Macbeth and his wife are anxious and paranoid. Macbeth wants to eradicate anyone that may know the truth about Duncan’s mysterious death; killing the guards was necessary to ensure Macbeth’s own security. However, Lady Macbeth had already framed the guards by placing the bloody knife by them. As a result, Macbeth’s action is not just act of protection, but an act of apparent loyalty in order to keep the crown. Next, Macbeth plots the murder of his friend Banquo. Banquo starts getting suspicious of Duncan’s death because it happened so incredibly close to when the witches told Macbeth he would be king. He starts to perceive that maybe Macbeth killed Duncan to get his position. Macbeth worries that Banquo would be suspicious because he is the only other person that knows of the prophecy. In addition to that, the witches also said Banquo’s children will be kings, making Macbeth doubt the safety of his reign. Macbeth is so eager to ensure his long rule that he order’s murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Now that he has the crown, he will never let it escape him. Furthermore, he also kills Banquo to maintain his kingship. After getting word of Macduff’s flee to England, Macbeth believes that he is a traitor. In order to…
Macbeth, after hearing the prophecies the three witches gave him, becomes conflicted within himself, ‘If chance shall have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir’. Ultimately, Macbeth chooses ambition over morality, but not without pressure from his wife ‘Are you a man?’ and severe inner turmoil ‘My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical’. To contrast the devious character of Macbeth, Shakespeare included Banquo, a fellow noblemen and Macbeth’s closest friend, to act as Macbeths foil. He immediately chooses morality over ambition without question and forewarns Macbeth of the Weird Sisters and their ability to twist the truth: ‘instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence’. Banquo’s undying allegiance to King Duncan demonstrations the difference between Macbeth and Banquo, and how the upkeep of morals keep us in check. After choosing power, Macbeth’s suspicion of Banquo and his role in the prophecy leads to Banquo’s murder. After killing his friend, Macbeth is plagued with guilt, and hallucinations become recurrent for both Macbeth; ‘our graves must send those we bury back’ and his wife; ‘will these hands ne’er be clean?’ This shows that ambition can lead to immoral acts when overcome by desire.…
Macbeth had done a lot to become king. He murdered his cousin, King Duncan and anyone else who he thought would reveal the truth that he was true murderer. He also went against his ethics. Two of the people Macbeth ordered to be murdered were his honorable friend Banqou, and Banquo’s son Fleance. Macbeth murdered Banquo for two reasons. The first reason was his fear of Banquo’s nobleness. In Macbeth’s soliloquy he states, “There’s something noble about him (Banquo) that makes me fear him. He’s willing to take risks, and his mind never stops working. He has the wisdom to act bravely but also safely. I’m not afraid of anyone but him…” Macbeth is worried that Banquo will reveal that Macbeth killed King Duncan since Banquo suspected Macbeth. Another reason was because Banqou was told by three evil witches that, “Thou shalt get kings, thought thou be none” so Macbeth figured that he should have Banqou murdered to stop Banquo…
Everyone as a human being has both good and bad characters, and they will also change as they grow old and some people also learn from their mistakes. In the play, “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare, the character of Lady Macbeth depicts both good and evil tendencies, particularly her evil tendencies can be seen at the beginning of the play. Over the course of time, Lady Macbeth changes adequately from the lust of power to more of an anguished person. The consolidation of the fatal influence by the witches and Lady Macbeth on Macbeth is what mustered for a disaster.…
Macbeth’s new position as king, gives him the power to delegate his needs to other people which he uses to hire murderers to slaughter Banquo. This proves that Banquo’s life means nothing to him anymore now that Banquo’s knows about Macbeth’s involvement in Duncan’s death. Banquo’s statement of “thou hast it now-king, Cawdor, Glamis, as the Weïrd women promised, and I fear thou played’st most foully for ‘t” shows Banquo’s realization of Macbeth’s involvement in Duncan’s murder but by the time he does it is too late for salvation. This worries Macbeth because his lies are catching up to him and they threaten to take his crown. The thought of killing Banquo once a never come to plight now seems as the only solution to an ever growing problem. Banquo’s ending set forth Macbeth’s notion of the crown leading to happiness. This murderous action, even though not directly taken by Macbeth, even more so painted Macbeth in a murderous light that will follow him on his path to…
Macbeth is paranoid of losing his position, he wants to keep it to himself as well as to his descendants. As the three witches described Banquo: “Lesser than Macbeth and greater, not so happy yet much happier, thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.”, implying that Banquo is the root of many kings, Banquo and his son is a threat to Macbeth’s crown(1.3.68-70). Macbeth plans an assassination of Banquo and Fleance while they are on a ride before the dinner at Macbeth’s castle(3.1.129-144). Banquo is murdered and Fleance flees(3.3.29-30). Banquo’s ghost shows up at the dinner and scares Macbeth. Even though Macbeth doesn’t regret killing Banquo, he is still conscious of his terrible actions and the guilt of bringing Banquo to the end of his life. Macbeth at this point has become ruthless enough to murder his close…
Macbeth also said, “I go and it is done. The bell invites me.” Macbeth kills Duncan. Macbeth is now a murderer. He is no longer innocent at all because he has taken the life of Duncan to fulfill his needs of being king. In act three (scene five), Macbeth kills Banquo and many others. Macbeth is not just trying to kill Banquo, but everybody he thinks are standing in his way. By the power of being king, Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo so he doesn’t have any ties to it. He has also said, “The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to the edge of’ the sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line,” (Shakespeare 127). This quote is telling us that he will surprise Macduff’s castle at Fife and kill his wife and children. This shows loss of innocence because at first Macbeth didn't want anything to do with killing anybody, but now he kills the ones that he thinks are in his way along with their family. Although Macbeth’s actions and characteristics have shown loss of innocence, the result didn't help Macbeth in any…
Banquo is killed strictly for the reason that he has a suspicion that Macbeth killed Duncan. He could get Macbeth into trouble and ruin his future. The witches’ prophecies describe how Banquo will be a father to a future line of kings. Macbeth hearing this, believes it is a threat at him and uses his urge for power to set out for the killing of Fleance. Macbeth says, “To leave no rubs nor botches in the work—Fleance, his son, that keeps him company, Whose absence is no less material to me Than is his father’s” (Shakespeare). This quote is describing how Fleance’s life is just as equal as Banquo’s. He believes in killing Fleance because he is a threat to him. Macbeth wants no chances for another person to come into power. Therefore, Macbeth wants to be safe and chooses to kill more people. The ambition Macbeth has becomes clear during this chain of events because he is paranoid at losing the power he urgently wants. Cassandra Nelson says, “Once he hears the weird sisters' prophecy Macbeth becomes so consumed by his desire for power that he becomes a tyrannical and violent monster who ultimately destroys himself” (Nelson). She is referencing Macbeth listening to the prophecies given to him. As soon as he hears what the witches have to say, he acts immediately in any way possible to keep his power. Nelson is also hints to the fact that ambition is Macbeth’s tragic flaw and leads to his demise. Macbeth is so power hungry that he is willing to do anything possible to stay on the throne. Ambition is shown when he kills Banquo and attempts to kill Fleance because they threaten his…
To begin with, Macbeth had many desires to become king of his country. Macbeth said “A prosperous gentleman; and to be king stands not within the prospect of belief” (I. 3. 73-74). Macbeth said again “Commencing in a truth? I am Thane of Cawdor” (I. 3. 133). This gave an indication to the audience that he does want to be king after all. His desire for power grows throughout the play from when he had his first encounter with the witches. Macbeth then said to Banquo “To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus, our fears in Banquo stick deep” (III. 1. 48-49). After he has murdered King Duncan and become king himself, Macbeth has a soliloquy in which he reveals that being king isn't enough; he needs to feel safe in the position, and he has reasons to fear Banquo. “But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds suffer, ere we will eat our meal in fear, and sleep…
A little after Macbeth kills the king, his friend Banquo starts to suspect this about him. He was also there when Macbeth heard about his future and is connecting the dots. Once Macbeth realizes this, he has Banquo killed as soon as possible. Macbeth says, “Banquo, thy soul's flight, If it finds heaven, must find it out to-night.”(III.i.160-163). He is now taking the initiative to remove Banquo from his life, and to relief, the suspicious put upon him. This one was all on Macbeth. He had no influence except his own, and killing Banquo was his own…
In Act V, I predict that Macduff is not only going to kill Macbeth, but also murder Lady Macbeth, and destroy his castle. Therefore, Macbeth will be destroyed both physically and psychologically. In Act IV Scene 1, there are many different images, through the witches and Apparitions, that appear and foreshadow upcoming events. The first Apparition cautions, “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife!” (4.1.81-82). In other words, the Apparition tells Macbeth that there will be some sort of physically negative interaction with Macduff in the future. I predict that Macduff will murder Macbeth, or perhaps a war will break out. Because the Apparitions warn Macbeth, it leads me to believe that a murder will eventually take…