
Negative Effects Of Multitasking

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Negative Effects Of Multitasking
Multitasking is to do two or more activities at one time. Teens tend to multitask while doing homework by using social media networks, listening to music, or texting. Parents worry that multitasking is having a negative effect on grades. Are the parents of teenager’s right to believe that multitasking has a negative effect on grades?
Multitasking may be able to be done in certain situations but it has a large negative effect on the work that is being done. Although multitasking may give people an emotional fulfillment, it can effect performances at ones work or school (Taylor). Multitasking gives people a satisfaction because it helps to get the tasks done. Maryellen Weimer remarks that in multiple studies and experiments, students that multitask
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In a study, researchers from Ohio State University gathered 32 college students and had them report what they did for 28 days, many students in the study multitasked by using social media while doing their school work (Taylor). Students multitask while studying and doing their homework by going on social media. There is nothing wrong with having multiple tabs open while doing homework, as long as most of them relate to the work at hand, but when most are social media accounts that you are bouncing from to homework back and forth, issues are most likely going to occur. Amy Taylor has stated that “Reading a book, texting, watching T.V. surfing the internet, and talking on the phone at the same time can improve ones ability to handle multiple tasks.’ To multitask can improve the ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time because you are practicing that ability. There are less facts about multitasking being good for you because “research says about 5% of us multitask effectively” (Weimer), most multitaskers tend to get off track and focus on a different task than the one that is most important, which is a side effect of multitasking. Multitasking can be done, if you decide to multitask, be sure that you are doing it

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