In the past 3 years our nation has experienced many events off time repetition. Our future generations has look at government as the enemy. Citizens of all race has been killed due to policemen prosecuting people more aggressively and not by the legal procedure. People are livid at that fact that multiple innocent people of the same race has been killed by policeman. Some has felt as though our constitutional rights has been forgotten and not protected in the trials of the oblivious events that have occurred. In the 1950s- 1960s African-Americans was raged at that fact that their ancestors had died and fought for them to have equality and to be free to only be standing 60 years later still fighting for freedom for what written in the Declaration Of Independence that “all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain …show more content…
People continue to protest until this day not only for black live but for all lives because this issue doesn’t only affect the color of people skins and how they are treated, it affects the look of our country and how the government protects our natural rights we are given. This issue has always been a problem but it has only recome recognized until the recently where many cities were put under martial law, the law temporarily imposed upon an area by state or national military forces when civil authority has broken down or during wartime military operations. As though policeman has a civic duty to protect our people, some who has authority to power abused it in some cases. In 2004, in Milwaukee, 26 year old Frank Jude was leaving a party one night with his friend, Lovell Harris, was jumped by four off duty officers. One of the foul officers had felt that Jude looked like another