By: Hager Samin
Negative Effects of Reality Television
I know for a fact that reality T.V shows are negative on teenagers.
To start with, the shows for example jersey shore they do not emphasize education and responsibility. All they care for is partying drinking and smoking weed every single day. The characters in the show think its no big deal to show what they doing in daily basis on reality TV. They don’t care a bit for what kids might be learning from there shows. Teenager’s behaviors are changing every time reality shows air out on TV. Teenage females are starting to dress differently; they are starting to show more skin at a very young age. Young female teenagers are starting to love attention from the males it makes them feel good about them selves. Their seeing all type of attention on reality TV and how men always make the female feel good. That’s when teenager is losing respect for their families and respect for them selves. Some families starting to get worried about there teenagers because most of their children are slicking on school and education. Secondly, these types of shows not only influences teenagers who watch their show into this type of shallow behavior, but they also send out an image to the world about what America can be like. Its also giving out an image to the world about what American parents can be like how they might not care for there children. Reality television shows are bringing down hopes for the ones who want a better future for their selves. Another show that has a negative influence on teenagers is “teen mom” I must say that is the most disturbing show they can air out for teenagers to watch. What were they really thinking? After the show was aired out on TV 55% of the females in high school got pregnant. The females on the show are talking about how they are in love and ready to make a family at the age of 16. When the show is being watched by teenager they think is ok to
Have a baby too and be in love if the people on reality TV shows can do it why not them? What viewers don’t understand is that this is problem because reality TV is not exactly just real life on camera. Instead, the shows are edited to make them more interesting and exciting. What this tends to mean is that they get edited to include more conflict, more danger, more of things that you could call negative but teenagers would enjoy. When viewers watch this sort of show, they believe that reality is like that how they enjoying their life everyday. Thirdly,
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