the treaty. Without this clause, the treaty would have been very less severe. Another term was the German military decrease. They were not allowed to have an air force or any submarines. They were only allowed 100000 troops and only 6 ships. Lastly, they were not allowed to put troops in the Rhineland. The Germans were historically prideful people, and the lost war did not help. The loss of their military was a striking blow that decimated whatever pride they had left. The French were especially fond of this because Germany had already previously tried an invasion against them in the past. The French thought this would make Germany less likely to try an invasion.
the treaty. Without this clause, the treaty would have been very less severe. Another term was the German military decrease. They were not allowed to have an air force or any submarines. They were only allowed 100000 troops and only 6 ships. Lastly, they were not allowed to put troops in the Rhineland. The Germans were historically prideful people, and the lost war did not help. The loss of their military was a striking blow that decimated whatever pride they had left. The French were especially fond of this because Germany had already previously tried an invasion against them in the past. The French thought this would make Germany less likely to try an invasion.