Advertising by definition is a paid form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services.
We are taken into what the advertisers exactly want us to do - buy their products.
Advertisements in themselves are not bad. They do perform an important role in the society and that is the promotion of products and services so that people will become aware of them. However, like milk gone sour, advertisements may also exert negative influences on different kinds of people in our society. Hence, we need to become critical and aware of what to avoid in certain aspects of advertising. Beauty products are among the products that receive wide publicity all over the world. The companies who create these products usually employ skinny models and pretty women in promoting their products. There is nothing wrong here at first glance .Since beautiful women are good to stare at. However, if we look more closely, most models endorsing beauty products are slim, skinny and with fair-complexion.
Most women, therefore, who would see these advertisements, would want to emulate the thinness and beauty of such models. This fixation with beauty has a negative effect even in very young girls. A number of women would feel insecure and they would feel that the only way to deal with their insecurities and achieve the body they want is to use the products advertised by beautiful ladies! Even young girls in the grade school are now dieting because of the standards of beauty they see in the media! In worst cases, women suffer from anorexia, and eating disorder that leaves women very thin and very unhealthy. Seen this way, advertisements should be partly blamed for this occurrence of anorexia and other eating disorders
Fast food restaurants are also on the rise. They are being portrayed in television commercials and in different media as the place to