The media can be a positive structure that keeps everyone up to date on events around the world but in a way it seems there is a sort of conspiracy going on throughout all of the media. Every day people watch the news and it is sure that everyone will agree that the media rarely covers anything going on that is actually a good or positive event that has happened. Even though there are positives, the media negatively influences the people because they decide what the people should hear and what the people should see. The media influences people on decisions they make every day by the way they introduce certain topics to the public. For instance people make decisions that will affect their retirement when they grow older based on what they hear in the media. It has been shown that if a person hears from the media that a stock is doing badly, then they feel the need to dump the stock in fear that everyone else that heard the news will decide to begin dumping the stock before they get a chance to and because of that they will lose even more money than if it would have been decided to sell right away. (Leslie, 2008) When people buy stocks for their future, usually it is based on what the media shows is doing well. The media controls the stock market in some ways because they decide what details the average American will know about companies. If there is a corporate person who broke some law that doesn’t even have to do with a company’s business they will still put the story in the media and will even twist it to look like whatever happened is going to reflect on how business will be with the particular company.
The media influences peoples decisions on where they vacation based on what they say is the best place to go. Some airlines will make more money because of where the planes go and where
References: Attention Deficit Disorder. (1996). Bakersfield News Beyond Interact ability Website. (2005). Buzzle website website. (2010). Dole, J Global research website. (2010). Leslie, T Tripod website. (2006).