1) Listed below are the ten most common high-pressure tactics negotiators use. o 1 e) The shock opener = Make a ridiculous initial demand (or offer), but keep a straight face as you make it. This works particularly well on inexperienced opponents. o 2 d) The vinegar and honey technique = Make unreasonable demands early on in the negotiation. When you later 'see reason' and modify your demands, they'll be all the more welcome. o 3 b) The strictly off-limits ploy = Point out at the start that, though you are prepared to negotiate A. B. and C; X, Y and Z are definitely not negotiable. o 4 a) The take-it-or-leave-it challenge = Make it look as though you are ready to leave the negotiating table if your demands are not met, that you are not prepared to move an inch further. o 5 c) The I'll-have-to-check-with-head-office ploy = Having obtained a concession from your opponent, inform them that you need your boss's approval before you can do what they ask in return. o 6 g) The sorry-about-my-English ploy = Pretend not to understand any proposal you don't like the sound of. You'll make your opponent uncomfortable by forcing them to repeat it. o 7 j) The good cop, bad cop approach = One of your team is friendly and flexible, the other unpleasant and unreasonable. Your opponent will want to please Mr/Ms Nice to avoid Mr/Ms Nasty. o 8 h) The once-in-a-lifetime offer = Pressurise your opponent by suggesting that the offer you're making is only for a limited period and if they don't act quickly, they'll miss it. o 9 f) The salami technique = Don't make all your demands right at the start. Make a small demand and get agreement on it before you make the next, and the next o 10 i) The last-minute demand = After the deal has been done, make one modest extra demand in the hope that your opponent will not want to jeopardise1 the agreement for one small detail.
2) How might you respond to each of the tactics in 1? Can you see any risks in using them