An example of this would be attempting to scalp tickets at a sporting event. This by far is one of my favorite activities to do and I get a real kick out of finding a great deal.
I never want to target the professionals "scalpers" with those "I need tickets signs". NEVER ever buy or sell to those people. This is how these people put food on the table and they will win in the negotiation. I need to target people that are not professionals, do not need the money to put food on the table, and are really motivated to sell. I usually target really nice looking people well over dressed for sporting events (stereotype but spot on). These individuals will almost never wear any of the team's merchandise. Odds are that they not only have money but don't want to mess with the hassle of negotiating on price. They would rather just dump the tickets, grab a Heineken, read the wall street journal during the 7th inning stretch, and leave shortly thereafter. It is important when negotiating with these people to (1) Create a relationship with them by asking them their name or by bringing up something you may have in common,
(2) say thank you before they even sell you the tickets, then you have them emotionally involved and they will feel bad if they don't sell to you, and
(3) Always and I mean (when they tell me how much), say "Oh my gosh”, you have to be kidding, could you please make me a deal I really want to go?" Then proceed to say something like, I really would love to go to this game and am looking to save some money, what is the "cheapest you could sell me the tickets for?" They will immediately drop their price and then I start negotiating. The key rules to follow are, once again, I do not deal with the professionals; deal with motivated sellers who are not negotiating experts and really do need the money. People wearing collared shirts attending game are the best targets. These tips are coming from someone who has attended the