We believe that you may have collected facts but that they are influenced by your feelings. You have pointed out that you have tried to negotiate with many people of authority and that nothing went your way. Maybe this is for a reason. Self purification, as we understand, is basically coming to terms with the situation. If you have come to terms with the situation, then why continue to try to change it? As we stated before, we appreciate that you are trying to solve this without using violent protest but your form of “direct action” is just disrupting the way we live. It is affecting life as Americans know it and that is a problem. We don't believe your four-step plan will help you this
We believe that you may have collected facts but that they are influenced by your feelings. You have pointed out that you have tried to negotiate with many people of authority and that nothing went your way. Maybe this is for a reason. Self purification, as we understand, is basically coming to terms with the situation. If you have come to terms with the situation, then why continue to try to change it? As we stated before, we appreciate that you are trying to solve this without using violent protest but your form of “direct action” is just disrupting the way we live. It is affecting life as Americans know it and that is a problem. We don't believe your four-step plan will help you this