Your task in this assignment is to review and explain what happened during our mock collective bargaining sessions and present your personal recommendation for next steps to the group that you report to as management or labour.
If you are part of the labour bargaining team, your report would be directed to all members of the bargaining unit.
If you are on the management team, your report would be directed to other members of management (including chain executives) and the shareholders.
I’m looking for a thoughtful, detailed review of negotiations and a fully explained and persuasive rationale for your recommendation.
The actions that you should consider include continuing negotiations, going to mediation, going to binding arbitration, striking (labour) and implementing a lockout (management). Please ensure that as well as explaining your recommended course of action you also explain why you feel other possible actions should be rejected.
You may format this assignment as you feel will be most effective. I am not imposing a maximum word count but strongly suggest that it not exceed 2,500 words.
This assignment should provide you with an opportunity to utilize and demonstrate what you have learned this semester about the news business from lectures, discussions and the course readings.
Grading criteria will include:
Clarity of the writing
Persuasiveness of the argument
Comprehension of issues
Comprehension of course material
Spelling, grammar and CP style
Group Member Evaluation
This assignment is also intended to serve as a confidential forum for you to evaluate the performance of your group colleagues. Part of the participation grade in this class depends on how well you and your colleagues work together on this assignment.
My basic assumption is that everyone will pull their weight: group members will attend all meetings of the group whether during class or not, they will contribute