Female genital mutilation is the term used for operations or removal of all or just part of the external parts of female genitilia.This practice has for a long time come under increasingly intense international scrutiny from the news media, feminist and human rights organizations. The main reasons for continuation of FGM are firstly, as a rite of passage from girlhood to womanhood; a circumcised woman is considered mature, obedient and aware of her role in the family and society.Secondly, FGM is perpetuated as a means of reducing sexual desire of girls and women, thereby curbing sexual activity before and ensuring fidelity within marriage.…
When Kristoff asked if given compensation equivalent to her FGM sessions, she immediately defended herself that she would stop the practice. Prof. Bertini mentioned that the FGM practice is based on several beliefs biased against women. Thoughts of preserving women’s chastity until and loyalty during marriage rationalize the stitching up of the reproductive organ. Preventing women’s promiscuity is another reason for removing some of the parts of the female anatomy. The practice is heavily embedded in the culture, passed on to succeeding generations; as grandmothers went through FGM, so did the mothers, and the daughters, and potentially their future daughters if no political intervention takes place.…
Lack of understanding of female circumcision (in a social context) has led to it’s becoming a subject of much controversy and debate in political, academic and religious fields, mainly by Westerners and Europeans.…
Seven years ago, a woman and a mother refused to subject her only daughter to be under the atrocious practice of female circumcision. Moolaadé is the story of this woman, Collé Ardo, a seditious and strong-minded second wife of Ciré in a small secluded African village who single-handedly refused to allow five girls to suffer through the customary Salindé ceremony. She was in opposition with the practice of genital mutilation due to her personal experiences and she didn’t want others to suffer like her. Collé’s Moolaadé enraged the Salindana, who were the women who performed “purification” ritual and the male elders who viewed her actions as threats to their values. As a sign of dominance, the men confiscated the women’s radios,…
It holds “particularly strong cultural meaning because it is linked to women’s sexuality and their reproductive role in society” (Toubia 712). Commonly referred to as “female genital mutilation”, or FGM, the exact origins of the practice are unknown. However, there is evidence to root it in Middle Nile, and the earliest record of infibulation—excision of the clitoris and labia and stitching together of the vulva—dates back 2,200 years to what is now Sudan (Mackie 266). From there, it likely diffused to other parts of the Sudanic belt (268). It is theorized that the original reasoning behind the practice was to institute a physical means of controlling female fidelity…
Summary: The main issue being discussed in the Taking Sides article is that of whether or not it would be right for anthropologists to work to eliminate the practice of female circumcision. This culturally debatable topic was discussed by professor of the history and philosophy of science Merrilee H. Salmon and Professor of anthropology Elliot P. Skinner; Both taking on very different sides in their discussion on the topic. Salmon argues that Anthropologists should work to eliminate such practice due to her argument that “…clitoridectomy (female genital mutilation) violates the rights of the women on whom it is performed.” Also, Professor Salmon brings up the possibility that genital mutilation could very well be a way for males to control women within their society and promote the practice of inequality. On the contrary, Professor Skinner believes that such cultural practices should not be eliminated and “…accuses feminists who want to abolish clitoridectomy of being ethnocentric.” Professor Skinner attempts to cover the cultural aspect of this issue, implying that African women themselves volunteer to perform clitoridectomy and decodes the cultural meaning behind such practice. Such cultural meaning is that of male initiation (later on in marriage) and the transformation of girls into adulthood.…
While many people may consider female and male circumcision as a mutilation, it is important to identify the distinction between the two. One of the most compelling reasons for the distinction between the two, is that some of the more extreme forms of female circumcision have very serious short-term and long-term health consequences; consequences that don't arise for males who are circumcised. In this paper, the distinction between female and male circumcision will be discussed. I will be referring to two stories that demonstrate the differences between the two cultural practices; “The Initiation of The Maasai Warrior.” and “The Tragedy of Female Circumcision.”…
Religion is often confused with social customs. By definition, religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a God or a group of Gods (Religion Merriam). Social customs, on the other hand, are activities that are considered normal or expected in a particular area (Social Customs). There is not much relation between these definitions. In Africa, it is believed that many of the Islamic countries practice Female Genital Mutilation, also known as FGM (Female Genital). As defined on World Health Organization’s (WHO) website, FGM is a procedure that involves partial or total removal of the…
Women of color bear a double burden of prejudice and discrimination in both global and domestic terms. Why? Be sure to answer all parts of this question with enough examples to prove your point.…
In the United States, this practice is seen as abhorrent and is strongly fought against in feminist movements. However, in African populations, females choose to have this operation and are proud of this change. It is a sign of womanhood and respect of their culture, not a disgraceful mutilation (Khazan, 2015). Understandably, domestic feminists fight against involuntary FGC, but it’s important to recognize that this topic is not as important in African feminist movements, and in many domestic cases, they incorporate African statistics to show the prominence of this operation…
As the world becomes globalized, countries are trailing behind their cultures and their identity, for them to be cohesive with the Western ideal. The alteration in clothing style, religious beliefs, family roles are few of the examples of the impacts of which Westernization has had on developing countries. With that said, a medical practice common in developing countries such as Uganda, Sudan and Iraq, is female circumcision (Keilburger, 2013). Often linked this practice to Islamic teachings, it is incorrect as in this religion, merely male circumcision is encouraged, proving the fact that this practice roots to generations of cultural beliefs (Keilburger, 2013). “The communities where FGM is practiced explains Dr. Shaw, place high value on virginity, so the custom is seen as protection for young girls from premarital sex”. (Keilburger, 2013: 1) Adding on, developed nations across the world including Canada do not allow for such treatment to be performed on women as it is believed here to be inhumane and child abuse (Keilburger, 2013). Despite scarce records of such mutilation to occur to Canadian women in secrecy, there are laws preventing physicians, doctors and…
Though Meyerhardt states that the opening account on female circumcision seemed “Amusing”, I personally found it far more disturbing. I was very shocked and disgusted while reading this piece, as I am sure my classmates were as well. The “small opening left for urination and menstruation . . . held open by a single piece of straw which is left there during the healing process” (1) forced me to feel that is an unbelievably unnatural, dehumanizing practice. I was extremely curious about what cultural beliefs supported this practice. When coming to the supposed health reasons and seeing how flawed and inaccurate they all were, I was unable to keep an open mind or continue trying to understand this practice. The idea of “looking at each other’s genitals to see who had the smallest opening” (2) struck me in a large way. This procedure that is done for society, for a future husband, and for acceptance, seems to take away from the woman. It is as if her body does not truly belong to her.…
Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or injure female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The procedure has no health benefits for girls and women. Procedures can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later, potential childbirth complications and newborn deaths. An estimated 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are currently living with the consequences of female genital mutilation (FGM). It is mostly carried out on young girls from 10 years of age and above have undergone Female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is internationally recognized as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.…
“Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains….The one who thinks himself the master of others is a much a slave as they.”(Daggar pg 221) This quote best reflects the two liberation ideologies that will be discussed in this essay, black liberation and women liberation. Both were introduced in the 1960’s and still to this day some people still feel “ held down,” but the aim for these ideologies is to liberate these groups from the internal and external restraints that exist. The agent, obstacle, and goal for each of these will show how they see freedom and what is in their way of achieving that. Also the explanatory, evaluative, orientation, programmatic functions will be explained and how each affects the liberation ideology.…
Female Genital Mutilation is the practice of removing most or all of the external genitalia or stitching up the labia to the point where it is only a minuscule opening. By stitching up the genitalia, a later procedure has to be performed to open the labia large enough for the birthing process. The procedures that are associated with Female Genital Mutilation often lead to gruesome hemorrhaging, infections, abscesses and loss of sensation during sex. The tools that are frequently used are below standard being that they are blunt objects such as dirty glass, tin cans, or penknives. The procedure is often performed when the young women aren’t able to make educated decisions about their health and opt out of this procedure. It is normally conducted between the age of three and ten years of age, which is appalling to people who are not aware of this…