The Nehru committee appointed by nationalists was their response to the appointment of Simon Commission and the challenge given by Lord Birkenhead to Indians asking them to frame a Constitution on which the Indian opinion was united. The Committee Report was adopted in August and was an outline draft of a Constitution which was based on the principle of fully responsible government on the model of the constitution of self governing dominions. The establishment of fully responsible government was considered as an immediate step.
It made the following recommendations:
I. India should have the same constitutional status in the British Empire as other Dominions with Parliament having power to make laws and should be known as the Commonwealth of India.
II. The constitution should define citizenship and declare fundamental rights.
III. The legislative powers should vest with the King and bicameral parliament and executive powers with the King exercisable by the Governor-General and the same Provisions should be made for the establishment of responsible governments in provinces in respect of governors and executive councils,
IV. Hierarchy of courts with Supreme Court at its apex be established.
Importance of the report lay in the fact that it was the first