This is a summarization of the origin and culture of the Bohemian people. The term Bohemian is also used in reference to a lower class group of people often referred to as gypsies. The culture of Czechoslovakian immigrants is reflected in Willa Cather’s short story, “Neighbor Rosicky.”
Bohemian Origin and Culture
Immigration of Czechoslovakians spanned over a prolonged period of time ranging from 1848-1930’s (Seigel, 1986). The largest time of immigration is recorded to have occurred around 1860’s. There are several reasons for the immigration from Czechoslovakia to America, some of those reasons being the European revolution, crowded cities, droughts causing poor crops and financial crises (Seigel, 1986). In Willa Cather’s short story, “Neighbor Rosicky,” Rosicky moves to the country to be rid of the evil ways of the crowded cities. Other reasons include political and personal reasons. Most Czechoslovakians belonged to agricultural, trading and working classes. They chose to migrate to America because America offered new opportunities for new jobs and freedom of religion. America had different titles or things that it was known for in relation to the Czechoslovakians. The St. Louis Czechoslovakian colony was known for the oldest colony, Chicago’s Czechoslovakian colony was the largest (Czechoslovakian, 2009). In terms …show more content…
They are credited for establishing benches around the town square (Seigel, 1986). There people can sit and visit, they are also known for the flower boxes under the windows of homes, and small vegetable gardens in the back yards Seigel. 1986). They also recreated the town hall as a place for people to meet for dances, polka, drinking beer and just to socialize (Seigel, 1986). This was a place used for the community to meet several times a year. Almost every Czechoslovakian town was known to have a band or orchestra (Seigel,