James Oronoco Dexter. Although this name doesn’t come up frequently in history, that doesn’t make him anything less than a revolutionary man. James Dexter used his natural talents and good characteristics to help benefit others. For every obstacle he faced, Oronoco proved his ability to be a hard-worker. Throughout his many occupations, Dexter was known as a trustworthy man. Also, James Dexter always had a certain determination for everything he did.…
Reagan goes on to ensure the families that the astronauts were brave and courageous, therefore their mission was not in vain and that the missions will continue. By addressing the youth in his speech, he hopes to encourage them because ultimately they would be the next generation of workers. His tone is effective to convince the nation that it is necessary to continue with the space program. Throughout his speech, he empathizes with those affected by the tragedy, acknowledges the losses, and encourages everyone that they will move past this and look into the future.…
There was more to the Apollo program than Neal Armstrong's one small step and more than following 5 lunar landings, anyone could have been a gigantic accomplishment. Apollo started with the Gemini Program also called a technological Warm-up. Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first 2 people on the moon, they landed the Apollo 11 in July 1969. They asked how much air Aldrin and Armstrong carried with them on their moonwalks. The Moon was not a primordial object, but was an evolved terrestrial planet with internal zoning. Apollo Program went for 9 years. Apollo 13 didn't land on the…
Also did you know buzz aldrin let Neil Armstrong step on the moon first. Apollo 11 was a moon launch for people to go to the moon. Apollo 11 is important because it was the first successful moon launching and held the first person to touch the moon. Apollo 11 charged the United States of America from them knowing how to make spaceships and them learning about the moon. Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969 and didn't come back untill July 24, 1969 it took them three days to get to the moon. The moon landing was so successful there has been six main moon landing since Apollo 11. There was Apollo 13 is also one of the major moon landing. Neil Armstrong quote was " that's one small step for a human and one giant leap for mankind".…
He was the commander of the expedition and he was the first person ever to set foot on the moon. He stayed in the space for eight and a half days.…
For this assignment, I selected American pilot Chuck Yeager because of his long history with the aviation and aerospace field through the U.S. military, as well as the breakthroughs he made during his service. His ambition, dignity, and patriotism for his country and line of work makes him stand out from many others in this field, and as a result, I feel he has contributed greatly to the aerospace industry.…
U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins set off on their space mission on the 16th. After landing successfully on July 20, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon’s surface where he said the famous words: “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” (History.com) By landing on the moon, the United States effectively “won” the space race that had begun with Sputnik’s launch in 1957. The Soviets however failed four lunar attempts between 1969 and 1972.…
Some people would say he was courageous, whereas others would say he’s downright crazy. Most people wouldn’t have even thought about doing what he had done, but that’s because not everyone is the same. He was very independent, and didn’t expect anyone to do anything for him. He left his family, and a career for this expedition to Alaska because he felt this was right for him. Although he was a very…
Most important he changed lives, and left a major input in the…
While reading Karen Armstrong’s essay depicting her opinion of religion, I found myself agreeing with her more than I usually do any other written art. The facts were brilliantly organized and centered around one main focus: the need for one to be “right” above another. As a member of a strong Southern Baptist congregation, I’ve found myself questioning the ideas that have been preached to me my entire life. These questions aren’t to discount or disprove God, but rather to question the “second to none” mentality that the Almighty Entity possesses. Again, this is not to forsake the man above. I live in a world that has spawned numerous religious philosophies around the world. Armstrong was correct in pointing out the need for each individual belief to be a singularity of the utmost exactness, and all else is to be considered “foreign” or “ungodly”. I gained unbiased proof through Armstrong’s research dating back to the 5th Century CE. Armstrong explains how the Golden Rule, or the ability to do unto others as you would have done to you, can play a major rule in lessening the violence and restoring acceptance throughout the world. In a sense it is a bit scary to think that thousands of years ago there was a practice such as “jian ai”; the concern for everybody; and over the years we have since lost all reasoning of compassion and acceptance of things that are not alike ourselves. When I picture the end of the world, I’ve always depicted it being a religious war or at the very least beginning as one. Armstrong was dead on with her closing argument: the cultivation of jian ai along with the implementation of the Golden Rule, would be viable in the realization that every nation is as important as ours and ultimately aid in the restoration of harmony throughout the world.…
Yuri Gagarin was born to simple potato farmers in the Soviet Union and grew up during WWII and the Cold War. The Soviet Union was not a pleasant place at that time. His parents were farmers on a collective farm owned by the government. During the Soviet Union at that time, there wasn’t much to look forward to or aspire to. However, Yuri Gagarin knew from a young age that he wanted to be a pilot. He left home at 15 to further his education instead of becoming a farmer or carpenter, like his dad. He had dreams and did whatever it took to make those dreams come true. Once he became a pilot he wanted to take his dream even farther and become an astronaut. His body was put through so many tests, most men wouldn’t have been able to stand much less do well. Yuri achieved his dream because he never stopped trying or gave up and just let society tell him what he should do. Yuri has shown me that your family and your circumstances do not control who you are or who you can be; you determine who you are and how far you can go in life. If you put God first, he will allow you to accomplish things you never even dreamed of. As the Bible says, “With God all things are possible”, even being the first human in…
The film, Apollo 13, is based on the real-life crisis that occurred April 13, 1970 on board the Apollo spacecraft. The two main characters, Gene Kranz (Ed Harris) and Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) are the key players who will address how a leader is able to survive and thrive in a world in which unexpected events occur on a regular basis. They portray the effective styles of leadership in balance with their ever changing surroundings, as well as their ability to maintain their interpersonal relationships with a group under unfavorable conditions. This film is a powerful movie because it makes clear to the viewer just how often disruptions and discontinuities occur. Also, it is an excellent example of how leaders must be able to meet the challenges posed by unexpected, chance events. The characters Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz are the leaders who are able to meet those challenges.…
Spectacular Sixties “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” - Neil Armstrong The sixties was probably one of the most influential time periods that America ever experienced. From the inauguration of president Kennedy to the lunar landing in 1969 was ham packed with events that shaped American history. Although America was engaged in the Vietnam War, there was plenty of development at home to run the idea that a new era has arrived. With influential speakers such as MLK and JFK, it was obvious that change was coming to the then segregated America and would leave America not only less racist but willing to help other minorities.…
Northrop Grumman had been chosen to build lunar module or LM. After seven years of design and construction, the first LM was ready. The small unit would be attached to the top of a Saturn rocket and sent into lunar orbit. The rocket was designed by Wernher von Braun, a famous German engineer. Von Braun had surrendered to U.S. troops in 1945 and had come to work for the Space Program. The lunar module was designed to provide backup communications, guidance control and software for mission analysis. The craft also included antennas that allowed live television transmission from the surface of the moon. The crew of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin established orbit around the moon and made the first color television broadcast to Earth. Two days later, Aldrin and Armstrong boarded the Lunar Module for their descent to the lunar surface. After Armstrong stepped out on the moon on July 21, 1969, he spoke this famous speech on live TV, “One small step for Man, One giant leap for Mankind”. Aldrin joined him on the surface and the two men conducted experiments, gathered samples of the Moon’s surface and left a commemorative plaque at the landing site. The success of Apollo 9 forever guaranteed that the United States would always be ahead in the race to space. The Apollo program continued for several more…
How would you feel if a murderer escaped custody because he wasn't properly handcuffed and killed your family? Handcuffs are the most common form of restraint device used by law enforcement officers. Handcuffs can be made of metal or plastic. They have two hinged circles that open, then close to encircle the wrists, holding the restrained person's hands close together. The two wrist-cuffs are most commonly attached with a short length of chain, but might also be attached with a hinge or with a rigid bar. Law enforcement officers carry handcuffs on their utility belts, usually within a protective leather case (Hill). Here are some steps on how to properly arrest someone.…