In 1999, after serving his only term as President, Nelson Mandela established the Mandela Foundation. The first initiatives rolled out by the foundation included the building of schools, promoting peace, interventions to foster reconciliations, and work on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It is believed that the HIV/AIDS epidemic affects more South Africans than any other nation. By 2000, 4 million South Africans were affected. Mandela advocated for the need of antiviral medications and access to care. Mandela spoke at the International AIDS Conference in July 2000 “issuing a passionate and powerful demand that the world should get on with using the tools that had been shown to save lives: information, life skills, abstinence, safe sex and condoms.” (Boseley, 2013) throughout his life Mandela “maintained a strong international presence as an advocate of peace, reconciliation, and social justice.” (Nelson Mandela 2014).
A History of Nelson Mandela. (2009). Retrieved from