Political neologisms in the American Press (based on the articles on B. Obama 's presidency)
Danielyan Hovhannes
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………2
General Notes on Political Neologisms……………………………………………..4
3. CHAPTER II Neologisms Connected with B. Obama 's Presidency……………………………...9
4. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………….15
5. BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………..17
1 Introduction The current graduation paper is devoted to the detailed study of the neologisms in the American press. The latter is observed via examining the cases of neologisms brought forward by B. Obama. In this paper an attempt was made to throw light upon many words and phrases that are used in modern American political lexicon, as well as to examine some political neologisms that help to cover the 2008 Presidental Election Campaign. The graduation paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography. The introduction manifests the main topic of the research, the major phenomenon related to the investigation and to basic structure of the paper. In throws light upon the development of the political language which promotes the creation of neologisms. Chapter One analyzes the political language in general as well as the four main political styles that the political language is usually composed of. This chapter also reveals the types of neologisms and gives the notion of political
Bibliography: 3. James Q. Wilson, ' 'The American Government ' ', D.C Heath and Company, 1992 4 5. Iain Mclean, ' 'The Concise Oxford Political Dictionary of Politics ' ', Oxford University Press, 1996. 6. Maurice Block, ' 'Political Language and Oratory in Traditional Society ' ', Academic Press, 1975. 7. Meron Benvenisti, Danny Rubinstein, ' 'A political Lexicon ' ', Westview Press, 1986. 8. Murray Jacob Edelman, ' 'Political Language: Words That Succeed and Politics That Fail ' ', Academic Press, 1977. 9. Nicolas Comfort, ' 'A lexicon of Political Facts from Abu Ghraib to Zippergate ' ', Methuen Publishing Ltd, 2006. 10. Richard Hofstadter, ' 'The American Political Tradition ' ', Vintage Books Edition, 1989. 11. Walter Laqueur, ' 'The Origins of Fascism: Islamic Fascism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism ' ', Oxford University Press, 2006. 2. ' 'The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ' ', September 21, 2008 3 4. ' 'Weekly Standard ' ', March 27, 2009 Websites