
Neolithic Era, Questions And Answers

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Neolithic Era, Questions And Answers
1. Why does specialization become a factor in town life during the Neolithic Era?
Answer: Due to warming of the climatic conditions, people started settling down in one place to make permanent homes. The first urban villages and towns were set up during the Neolithic Era. The farmers of those times began producing more food than they could consume themselves. They had enough food to share with their neighbors. This extra food allowed others to give up farming and take up alternate professions based on their skills. Thus people in the New Stone Age started specializing in skills that suited them the most. This led to innovations in many fields. People started making tools and utensils, jewelry and homes.
2. The Tigris-Euphrates Valley Mesopotamia,
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Though there was no regular rainfall in Mesopotamia, the layers of silt deposited by the rivers made the soil fertile over the years. There was an area of land known as the Fertile Crescent between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf that had soil rich enough to produce crops that were sufficient to sustain life. It also allowed surplus growth of items like reed, timber and dates that the community could trade with other regions across the waters. These factors allowed the civilization to survive and …show more content…
They believed that death was just a pause in the process of life and people continued to live even after death. This was the reason they mummified the dead bodies of pharaohs, to allow their immortal souls to return to them after they were granted immortality. The pharaoh was considered to be the intermediary between his people and God and hence responsible for all elaborate religious ceremonies to please God. The Egyptians worshipped God to ensure that their lives continued even after death. They performed special funeral ceremonies which continued years after death. They believed that the soul performed a long and difficult journey after death to reach the Hall of Osiris. The Gods Anubis and Thoth were supposed to weigh the hearts of the deceased at the Hall of Osiris to judge the virtuous deeds of the soul that arrived there after death. Then, forty two Gods listened to the confessions and defense of innocence by the soul. The person's heart was then weighed against the feather of Maat and if found light enough, was granted immortality. These pharaohs then became one with Osiris, meaning they became immortal. If their hearts failed the test, they were devoured by Goddess Amemet and could not live on. Because of these beliefs, the Egyptians followed elaborate religious ceremonies to please the Gods, including the forces of

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