
Nerds And Geeks Research Paper

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Are Nerds and Geeks Cool or Still the Fool? Why are nerds and geeks perceived so negatively in society? Nerds and geeks are known for their superior intelligence and social awkwardness. Whether a person is considered a nerd or a geek, that person has been given grief for as long he or she can remember. Since grade school, nerds are constantly teased and tormented. Years later, the nerds who dreaded going to the playground in fear of mockery are creating the technology we all can’t seem to live without. What would we do without our Smartphones and iPods? Nerds now have a shining light to them that everybody seems to find cool because of their miraculous inventions. Even those so called geeks who spend most of their time dedicated to a particular …show more content…

The X-Men, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter movies are the top grossing films that are made from the center of the geek universe. Lev Grossman, a novelist for Times magazine, says that these characters from comics and science fiction novels, were at one time “not cool.” But these big movies and videogames have been greatly publicized and are now a big part of popular culture. The reason for this is because people realized how much money can be made from them and decided to commodify the geek world. Geeks are not the only ones who enjoy these characters and stories; others do too, even the “cool” kids. Those geeks though, those who are fanatics over a particular comic or science fiction novel, are often tormented in society. They are viewed as foolish and are made fun of because of their obvious pride in a particular subject. An example would be people poking fun at a person whom owns nothing but superhero shirts or someone who collects Star Wars paraphernalia. People may claim that these types of movies are only a form of entertainment and are enjoyable to watch but they criticize individuals who are dedicated to a particular movie or

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