area such as sci-fi and comic books are the awesome guys at the Comic Con. These so called nerds or geeks may seem cool at times but they are still prone to being bullied. Nerds now hold a cooler title in the perception of society, but nerds and geeks still have a hard time being accepted. Nerds and geeks are stereotyped by society. Their labels have a negative ring to them and they tend to be shunned by the popular social circle. In “Fellow Nerds: Let 's Celebrate Nerdiness!”, Tom Rogers, a self-identified nerd and teacher, claims that many people think that nerds are “book smart sissies that suck up to authority figures” (Rogers). Rogers points this out because so many people often misjudge individuals, automatically labeling them. These labeled individuals in all actuality are just being themselves and do not think to pretend they are something they are not. Nerds and geeks do not choose to be the know-it-all’s and /or the socially awkward people, they simply are misunderstood and find it difficult to fit into social norms. Nerds are known to have a high level of intelligence, and others do not want to feel inferior to them. Instead of trying to better themselves, they go on tormenting other people in order to feel superior. Some might argue that another reason why nerds are being stereotyped and shunned from social situations is because the nerd does not make an effort to socialize with others. Some may say that nerds do not take initiative in making friends. In order to socialize with others and to form friendships, you must be open-minded. Nerds often seem to isolate themselves from socializing with others who may not like them. How can people befriend nerds, if they are not open to social interaction? This is how it’s been since the beginning of time, yet somehow the perception on nerds has changed slightly and we now find geeks interesting because of their contributions to technology. If nerds now have this new positive perception, why are they still being marginalized? Hollywood now seems to glamorize the geek world, making multimillion dollar-earning movies based on science fiction and comics.
The X-Men, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter movies are the top grossing films that are made from the center of the geek universe. Lev Grossman, a novelist for Times magazine, says that these characters from comics and science fiction novels, were at one time “not cool.” But these big movies and videogames have been greatly publicized and are now a big part of popular culture. The reason for this is because people realized how much money can be made from them and decided to commodify the geek world. Geeks are not the only ones who enjoy these characters and stories; others do too, even the “cool” kids. Those geeks though, those who are fanatics over a particular comic or science fiction novel, are often tormented in society. They are viewed as foolish and are made fun of because of their obvious pride in a particular subject. An example would be people poking fun at a person whom owns nothing but superhero shirts or someone who collects Star Wars paraphernalia. People may claim that these types of movies are only a form of entertainment and are enjoyable to watch but they criticize individuals who are dedicated to a particular movie or
series. There are individuals who seem to disagree. They feel that nerds are not shunned by society or are perceived negatively, that they are accepted because of their “geek chic.” Geek chic is the term for geek culture that is considered stylish and cool. Society has adapted well with geek culture. In the fashion world, what once was considered nerdy or geeky are now the latest trends. Some of these trends are large frame glasses, short pants and skinny ties. Susan Wloszczyna and Ann Oldenburg of USA TODAY, “What was once the obsessive domain of geek fans has achieved mass-media popularity.” Wloszczyna and Oldenburg claim that geek culture is what is popular. Some even say that nerd and geek culture has influenced society.
Whether or not needs and geeks are seen as cool, what people do not recognize is that we often judge others and we do so quickly. When we feel threatened, we belittle those around us to feel superior. Nerds and geeks have been perceived negatively in society and now have a chance to change that. Their brilliance has contributed to the advancement of technology but our bad habit of judging people based on their awkwardness or intelligence has overshadowed their achievements. The so-called cool world can change that, too, through acceptance. It is true that nerds and geeks are marginalized in society because of the judgment of others. It is unfortunate that even though nerd or geek-related things have become so widely popular, the brilliant minds behind them still do not have popularity themselves or the acceptance they deserve. Works Cited
Grossman, Lev. “The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth.” 25 September 2005. Time Magazine. 11 August 2011. Web.
Rogers, Tom. “Fellow Nerds: Let 's Celebrate Nerdiness!” 10 December 2000. Newsweek Magazine. 11 August 2011. Web.
Susan Wloszczyna, Ann Oldenburg. “Geek Chic.” 23 October 2003. USA Today. 11 August 2011. Web.