1 Introduction
2 What is the employment relationship?
3 The importance of the employment relationship
4 Changes affecting the employment relationship
4.1 HRM vs. IR (Pluralist vs. Unitarist)
4.2 Globalization
4.3 Advances in Technology
4.4 Diverse Workforce
4.5 Restructuring and the Decline of manufacturing
4.6 Trade unions decline and marginalization
4.7 Terrorism / Civil unrest
4.8 Short term contracts, remote working, work life balance, agency work
5 Changes in HRM for the employment relationship
5.1 Human resources style at Nestle
5.2 People Management
5.3 Training
5.4 Communication
5.5 Recruitment
6 Creating a successful future - Peter Brabeck-Letmathe CEO Nestle
7 Conclusion
8 Evaluation
9 REFERENCE LIST of sites and materials used for this report.
10 Nestle additional information
Drawings, Diagrams, Photos
Fig 2 The Harvard Model Beer et al
Fig 3 The Michigan model - Fonbrun et al. (US)
Fig 4 David Guest’s model (Guest, 1992)
1. Introduction
Nestlé is a large international food manufacturer with over 250,000 employees worldwide Nestlé has a broad range of products and is the largest food manufacturer in the world. Nestlé has set high standards in corporate principles and its relationship with all of its stakeholders. Nestle has such a large scale of workers and must ensure they have a good management system to maintain the employment relationship.
2. What is the employment relationship?
The employment relationship is the agreement of conditions and arrangements between an employer and an employee and in most cases can be covered under a contract of employment either written or psychological. The direct influence now in the relationship is between the managers and the
Bibliography: Pinnington and Edwards, ‘Introduction to Human Resource Management’ Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 (2000) Storey, J Guest, D. (1992) `Employee commitment and control ', in Hartley, J. and Stephenson, G. (eds) Employment Relations, Oxford, Blackwell. Peter brabeck presentation (accessed 9th Feb 2008) Oxford online Dictionary (accessed 5th Feb 2008) Nestle Graduate offer http://www.Nestlé (accessed 5th Feb 2008) Nestle website (Links to all other sectors can bee accessed in further links within) (accessed 9th Feb 2008) Nestle Corporate Principles (accessed 9th Feb 2008) Nestle Leadership Principles (accessed 9th Feb 2008) Nestle Human Resource Policy (accessed 9th Feb 2008) (accessed 5th Feb 2008) Nestle – At a glance (accessed 7th Feb 2008) The world of Nestle PDF download (accessed 7th Feb 2008) Careers at Nestle http://www.Nestlé (accessed 9th Feb 2008) (accessed 9th Feb 2008) http://www.Nestlé (accessed 9th Feb 2008) NESTLE – Document on People Development (accessed 9th Feb 2008) All About Nestlé (accessed 9th Feb 2008) (accessed 9th Feb 2008) note – sites are all in specific lanquage of the related country (accessed 9th Feb 2008) Extracts below used in research