Routes of Internet Traffic. Brent Hendricks
Capella University Online
This paper will discuss the growing debate/battle over what has been deemed net neutrality which will be called NN thought the rest of the paper. It pertains to the opposing sides which consist of the advocates of keeping the internet a free of government regulation and corporate greed. The other opponents are the large telecommunication companies and the Internet Service Providers who will be referred to as ISP’s. These companies have a new business plan that if allowed to be implemented by the FCC will change the way Content Service Providers CSP’s and the end users, which are anyone using the internet today, will have their data routed and how they must pay for it. What will happen if the large Corporations win this “War” and how will it affect the status quo that we’ve all become used to as the Internet standard?
Net Neutrality: The War over How Content Providers and Users Will Pay for Speed and Routes of internet traffic.
What is the real problem being debated?
The new laws governing internet traffic if passed will give the large ISP’s the right to dictate how internet traffic is routed, and how they will charge the content service providers (CSP’s) and Internet end users (IU’s). Net neutrality has been a core principle of the Internet since its inception. According to (Pogue, 2014) Internet service should be very similar to telephone service. As an analogy, the phone company cannot make the connection poorer if they do not like the person you are calling. The ISP’s and the large telecommunication companies don’t like this concept and are working very hard to change it.
Advocates of this policy are licking their wounds because the FCC recently reported they would likely leave Broadband services deregulated. Many
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