
Netw 410 Week 1 Lab

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Netw 410 Week 1 Lab
NETW410 Week 1 Lab Report

Lab Report: (70 points)

Place the answers below the questions using a red-colored font.

Answer in college-level sentences with proper grammar and spelling. Answer each part of the question for full credit.

Question 1 (3 points)
What is your experience with the Visio software? Have you used it before or is it your first experience with Visio?
I have limited experience with Visio. I played around with it a little months ago but this class will be my first regular use.
Question 2 (3 points)
How did you access Visio? How do you feel about the different access methods?
I downloaded the software from the store. This method worked well for me. I am sure that accessing it via the Citrix environment is an excellent method for those unable or unwilling to put the software on their computer.
Question 3 (3 points)
What version of Visio did you use for this lab?
I used Visio 2010 with service pack 1 for this lab.
Question 4 (3 points)
What file extension does your version of Visio use? Does Visio support other extensions?
My version saved files using the .vsd extension. It can also use .bmp, .jpg, .xps and many others.
Question 5 (6 points: 3 points for each screenshot and comment)
Use this website ( to find a diagram that you think has good points. Paste a screen shot of the diagram in your lab report and explain why you think it is good. (3 points) You must include a detailed explanation to get credit for this portion of the question.

From Edraw Visualization Solution, Cisco Network Diagram, retrieved January 5, 2015 from
I felt this was a good diagram; it is easy to follow and the icons used are well chosen and consistant (all desktop computers use the same icons and none are used for more than one type of device). Everything is labeled except for the solid vs dotted lines but those are obviously wired vs. wireless

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