Answer each of the question listed below on page 2.
Create your report using the template starting on page 2 and submit it to the Week 1 Dropbox by the due date.
Lamont Reed
NETW310, Lori Farr
Lab #1, Examine the Physical Layer
Lab Report
Each answer is worth seven points.
Use a red colored font for you answers.
Place the answers below the questions.
1. There are three patterns outlined on the screen which one of these is identifying the noise floor?The middle pattern shows noise floor.
2. What is the approximate signal level of the noise floor? - 2.4GHz band noise floor is -95db, 5Ghz band noise floor is -100db3. Of the 11 channels being displayed which ones have the lowest noise floor? 4. Inside the circle marked as Pattern 2 is this a signal from one of the three unlicensed fequency ranges? Yes it is
5. If it is, what type of signal is this, 900 MHz, 2.4GHz, or 5 GHz? 2.4GHz
6. Inside the circle marked as Pattern 3 is this a signal from one of the three unlicensed signal ranges? Yes it is
7. If it is, what type of signal is this, 900 MHz, 2.4GHz, or 5 GHz? 900MHz
8. In the area marked as Pattern 4 some interference has appeared. What type of interference is this, such as all-channel, co-channel, adjacent-channel? adjacent-channel
9. On what channel has this interference appeared on? I belive it is channel 4 or 5
10. Is this interference weaker than, the same, or stronger than the signal that was there before it appeared? interference seems to peak at a higher range between channel 4 and 5 and is stronger than channel