September 3, 2014
Lab #1, Introduction to Visio
Question 1 (3 points)
What is your experience with the Visio software? Have you used it before or is it your first experience with Visio?
I have no experience with Visio. This is going to be the first time that I will use Visio.
Question 2 (3 points)
How did you access Visio? How do you feel about the different access methods?
The first time I access Visio was by going into the iLab portal to access the software. Once I downloaded the software I was able to access directly from my hard drive. The different method of accessing Visio, provides me with an assortment of venues in completing my course assignments.
Question 3 (3 points)
What version of Visio did you use for this lab?
I used Visio 2010 to complete this lab.
Question 4 (3 points)
What file extension does your version of Visio use? Does Visio support other extensions?
The file extension that Visio 2010 appends to a file is vsd. Visio does support other extensions, such as VDX, VSS, VSX, VST and VTX
Question 5 (6 points: 3 points for each screenshot and comment)
Use this website ( to find a diagram that you think has good points. Paste a screen shot of the diagram in your lab report and explain why you think it is good. (3 points) You must include a detailed explanation to get credit for this portion of the question.
I feel that the below network diagram is simple, but does clearly explain the decision of the servers, devices and type of cabling used to connect all devices. All devices are labled and color code for easy troubleshooting.
Find another diagram from this site, or any other site, that you feel can be improved. Paste a screen shot in your lab report and explain what you think can be improved about the diagram. (3 points) You must include a detailed explanation to get credit for this portion of the question.
The next network diagram which is listed