Of course the news company that he works for flips out AT FIRST.
Then afterwords they look at the views in the ratings that they from that situation and realized that it was a hit. Everyone tuned into somebody declaring that they were going to kill themselves it was awesome for them! So, instead of firing him they let him come back on. It was a big boom for the television company they were getting ratings and views and calls everybody was talking about it so they had to keep it going. Anything for views. Anything for ratings was the attitude of the news Channel. The movies statement was clear. Satire or not, for news and television it's not about the content, it's about the profit. Chayefsky was scary accurate when it comes to media today. Not to mention the film was made before social media and the Internet was in almost every house hold across
Network makes extremely accurate statements of how the news looks for success in ratings and views and not always in accurate or truthful information. News look to shock America instead of educate America. The same topic can sound like a different story coming from two different news companies for the simple fact of one company being democratic and one company being liberal. News forgets the fact and forces their own opinion. It starts off with Howard Beale declaring to commit suicide. Sadly enough after the film and up until present day there has been many live broadcasts of news and politicians committing suicide on TV. Budd Dwyer treasurer of Pennsylvania in 1987 was accused and sentenced to stealing. Later shooting himself in the head on live TV. A few years later the truth came out that they exploited him to get him out of office and the whole thing was a lie. The film shows how devastation and the dark stories are the stories that people view. Network was trying to open our eyes so that we could say were "mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore". Today's America would rather be shocked then fed fact. Today's America would rather be entertained then use their brain.