ISSN: 2310-337X
©TIARJ Publications, 2014 Networking of Inter-Actors Governance in Land Services at
Makassar City, Indonesia
Muhammad Anshar Akil, 2Sangkala, 2Muh. Nur Sadik and 2Atta Irene Allorante
Graduate School, Science of Public Administration. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
ABSTRACT : This research aimed to analyze the pattern of networking between government actor
(Land Office), private sector (PPAT), and society (citizens) in governance of land services at
Makassar city. This research used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective to understand the meaning of social phenomena under study. This research produces the data orally or in writing of the people and events that were observed to formulate a research focus. The focus of research is how the pattern of networking inter-actors in the governance of land services at
Makassar. The results of study showed: (1) the Office of Land (government) and Land Deed Official or PPAT (private sector) is a partner in the process of land registration. Land Office implement the land registration, while PPAT make authentic certificate as a basis for land registration; (2) The relationship between actors is intermittent coordination; (3) Relationship with the Land Office
(government) and society (citizens) are sociotechnical community programs through Land
Certification Services for People (Larasita) and the Land Orderly Literacy Community Groups
(POKMASDARTIBNAH). The implications of this research indicate the need for increased networking among actors in land services through strengthening interaction, interorganizational arrangements, and the provision of facilities to the weaker actors to realize the objectives of cooperation. Keywords : Networking inter-actors, Partnership,
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