Glial Cells (three types): Make up about 90% of the brain’s total cells. They also supply nutrients and oxygen, perform clean up tasks, and insulate one neuron from another so that their neural messages are not scrambled.
Oligodedreocytes: helps to create the myelin sheath. Purpose speed up communication in the brain. Insulate axons. Makes Neural transmissions.
Microglia: Special immune cells in the brain. They can detect unhealthy and damaged neurons and therefore, they can help in removing those damaged cells. - detect viruses and bacteria in the brain - Chew them up and attack foreigners
Astrocytes: The rising star of the brain - gained a lot more attention - they’re their own boss/have their own territory— don’t rely on other cells - gives instructions to other neurons on how to function or where to go. - Provides nutrients to neurons - Appear to be in all brain function - Receptive to neuronal cells and newly stem cells— we may find cure to cognitive deficits such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other forms of deficits including dementia - Also may appear to thoughts— cerebral cortex high cognitive functions.
Structure of a neuron
Dendrites: receive information from other cells.On dendrites you have receptors— little openings. When a neuron is not stimulated or an action potential it is considered to be at rest or polarized or impermeable— nothing. When a neuron receives an action potential it is found to be depolarized and permeable. When a neuron is at rest it has negative molecules. When a neuron is in action it has positive molecules. How does this shift happen? Because of permeability changes there’s this constant switching between positive and negative and it occurs in the axon of the neuron.
Cell Body: receives information from dendrites, and if enough stimulation is received the message is passed on to the axon. Contains the DNA and the nucleus.
Axon: Carries neuron’s