The film Never Back Down is directed by Jeff Wadlow. The film is about a young angry teen, the protagonist of the film, Jake Tyler who is a violent teen who is always getting in to fights at school and during sports. Jake is forced to move from Iowa his home town, to Orlando, Florida because his younger brother Charlie won a tennis scholarship. He is always angry because his family blamed him for his father’s death. Jake’s main rival is Ryan McCarthy who thinks he is the ‘top dog’ in the fighting scene. Jean Roqua is Jake’s MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) trainer; he has also been blamed for a death in his family so they can relate to each other. The main them of the movie is accepting responsibility for your actions and controlling your actions. The three main techniques that Wadlow used were close up camera shots; he used this so make the scene dramatic, another filming technique that Wadlow used was flashing lights, he used this at the start of the movie, he used this to show flashbacks and split up the fighting scenes. The third film technique Wadlow used was sound, he made the fight scene sound louder and the music changed if Jake was winning or losing.
The theme of the film is never back down and to keep on trying, Wadlow show this by always making Jake Tyler have to fight his was though a problem. Wadlow also brings wealth into the film, he shows us this by showing Jake’s little apartment building throughout the film and he also showed the wealth difference by doing a zoom out shot of Ryan McCarthy’s house. Wadlow did this to show that Ryan was a lot wealthier then Jake. The wealth issue was shown in many different ways it was also shown at the start of the film when Jake started at his new school the rich kids were making fun of his