First a quick spoiler: Never Let Me Go takes place in a parallel universe where the main characters Kathy, Tommy and Ruth are clones raised like farm crops for their organs. These clones are called Donors; they live in a truncated life and die around middle age as their organs are removed from them one at a time in painful and sometimes fatal surgeries. The majority of the story focuses on the protagonist’s childhood when they were enclosed in a strange boarding school enclosed from the rest of the world.
Many reviewers of this novel are focused on the sci-fi and horror aspects of the novel such as cloning humans and using them to grow organs. Many people also fall to the conclusion that the novel is a rather grim portrayal of how the modern medical field and science may take a turn for the worst; I for one find these ideas completely and undoubtedly wrong.
When reading the novel one finds an overwhelming sense of frustration. The idea of knowing about your terrible fate and seemingly doing nothing about it angers one to no end. In this case the characters just accept it. They continue their lives as normally as they can and reminisce about their younger days