The clones in Never Let Me Go establish real emotion towards each other and value important ideas just like real humans would. Kathy consults about how the clones “[dreamt] from time to time about one guardian or [others] bending the rules and doing something special for [them]” (60). This quote shows the clones desire of human experience such as having special relationships with one another even though this is strictly forbidden in their society. Ishiguro establishes this passage as an effort to show how clones rebel against the system with secret romantic relations in private. This …show more content…
He incorporates subtle examples to prove the worthiness of clones and their real life counterparts. Ishiguro wants readers to look through the minds of clones and see the life that they go through in this fantasy world where humans treat them as organ donors that live pointless lives. This story shows the constant struggle that clones go through on a day by day basis, they were raised to donate and die. Ishiguro helps makes the story more lively by literally giving life to these clones by showing human-like