The problem in this case is the organizational arrangement lacks stable network interdependencies between administration and management departments causing conflict.
• Baker, the director of Newcomer-Wilson hospital, is responsible for all organizations and the main decision maker. "In the past there has been a deliberate attempt at times to override the director but that was not achievable"…Centralized Decision Making
• Nurses work seems to run smoothly until "outsiders" create confusion and frustration…Mechanistic Structure
• Baker looks upon the extensive committee structure at the Trustee, Board of Governors and top medical staff level with mixed feelings. Everyone seems to have too many bosses…Tall Hierarchy
• Patient …show more content…
Solution Support
• Baker has reviewed the committee structures and realizes on one hand they are the release valve for issues and keeps everybody informed and on the other they are slow-acting and reach few decisions only when Baker is involved…Organizational Effectiveness
• Theoretically each nurse has an immediate supervisor (head nurse) but during a normal work period she may be involved in taking instructions from several different persons…Structural Contingency Factoring
• Basic problems do arise, however seem to indicate the need for further improvement in the organizational arrangement and/or the administrative processes…Organization Structure
• Organization decision decentralization along with a cross functional teams to improve relationships between doctors and nurses will create a effective organization
• Approve re-organization action plan to include a reporting structure with a flat hierarchy that drives capability in decision making – due 08/28/10
• Layout news roles and responsibility for all management teams under Baker – due 09/10/10
• Cross functional team to be established between administrators, nurses and doctors to create an actions items list to correct issues – due