Sheilah Schmidt
January 12, 2015
Kevin Henderson
Wicket, Inc.
To: Management, team members and employees of all departments
From: Sheilah Schmidt
CC: Managers of branch locations
Date: 01/06/2015
Re: New Companywide Compliance System Platform and Policies
Note: A new companywide compliance system platform is needed for Wicket Inc. due to company expansion. In addition, new compliance system policies will be introduced. It is required for all managers to be trained appropriately to complete their jobs and perform properly. Training will be organized and managed as part of the Bluebird project. Project Stakeholders The Bluebird project affects individuals directly and indirectly. All managers at each branch location across the country are the main participants of this program. Supervisors attending the training sessions will be affected; however employees will not be immediately affected by Bluebird project. Managers who receive the training will distribute training to each of their respected employees. The CEO of Wicket, Inc. will not be affected by this project, but the CEO requires feedback (important factor to the project for future training) to evaluate the effectiveness training sessions. Managers are required a minimum of 10 hours of training on the use of the new platform and compliance policies. …show more content…
According to the new policies, all managers will run effectively and efficiently and operate the new compliance system. With a new compliance system, every manager will be given applied training during the training sessions. Questions or confusion will less likely to arise about proper use and functions of the new system. Managers will also receive information about the new compliance policies that will ensure guidelines are followed by