Jerry Smith
September 14, 2011
New Corp Legal Scenarios In this Article the subject addressed is the New Corp Legal Scenarios describing three legal encounters involving the organization. In the scenarios management expects substantive answers, not simply recommendations to refer matters to an attorney. The majority of businesses in the United States do not have counsel on staff, and management does not want to spend money obtaining advice until after an assessment has been provided. Each scenario will need to have New Corp liabilities identified. Legal principals such as case and statutory law supporting the assessments need to be provided. In addition, identification of specific regulatory compliance issues, how those issues should be addressed, and how New Corp must manage the legal risks will be cover for each scenario.
Legal Encounter 1
Liabilities and Rights The termination of an employee comes with discussions about liability and rights of both the company and the individual receiving the termination. This article concerns New Corp and an employee to be known as Pat, in an at-will state and what liabilities and rights of both parties come into play. …show more content…
Also in the definition employees have the right to leave a job at any time with no reason and with no adverse legal effects. Because New Corp is an at-will company conducting business in the state of Vermont, the organization can terminate any employee for any reason. Pat by signing a document acknowledging he understood the New Corp was an at-will employer has no recourse. Liability to New Corp in this case is nil. Because New Corp is an at-will employer they reserve the rights to terminate Pat at any time for any