Because there were so many who were unemployed the government tried to find ways to regulate businesses. One of the practices the government tried was enforcing businesses to regulate the wages for all their employees. The government required the businesses to pay their employees a minimum amount of money, and if they were not able to do this they either had to try to pay the regulated amount but with fewer employees or they had to keep paying the regular amount they were originally paying but go jail for it. With this regulation it brought more bad than good. Because the businesses had to have a regulated pay some were not able to pay the minimum amount required, so many had to let go of employees causing the unemployment rates to grow even …show more content…
does a great job in describing every detail that went into getting America out of the Great Depression. The great details he discusses were normally great for understanding the thought processes that went into all the attempts to get the country out of its debt, but at certain points Folsom did seem to drag on with some subjects. When Folsom was explaining everything in the book he did an excellent job in bringing in a great number of quotes from relevant people, so when reading you are able to understand exactly what was going through people’s minds during this oppressing time. Also reading the quotes you are able to really feel the desperation that everybody was feeling during the Great Depression. Folsom also does a great job in bring in many statistics so you are able to grasp the amount of people that were affected during that time and how much debt the country really was