It also focused on the Indians’ overall well-being, but it had multiple spots that fell through or were falsely advertised. An article from Alden Stevens’ magazine says, “The truth is that the New Deal Indian administration is neither as successful as its publicity says it is…”(Stevens) also in the same paragraph it says that, “Many Indian problems remain unsolved…”(Stevens) These quotes back up the claim that the New Deal Indian Program had many holes in the framework still and was not all truthfully reported. Arguments going against this view may include that news has always been that way, except that was the common belief, not just a portion of people, making it a notable event and not just the news. These arguments and evidence prove that the New Deal had some holes with the problem solving process and, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt during this time, were falsely portrayed. Also, according to a primary source unemployment statistics chart, there was a decrease with the first New Deal, and a rise again with the second New …show more content…
According to this statistical chart in the year 1933 and 1934, the life span of the first New Deal, there was a slight decrease from 20.6 percent to 16 percent of the American population that was unemployed(Smiley). In the years 1937 to 1938, the last two years left of the second New Deal, the statistics show a jump in unemployment rates that went from 9.1 percent to 12.3 percent(Smiley) after a downward constant. Some disagreeing groups could argue that the rates only went upward at the end of the second New Deals’ run in America. But in the first years of the second New Deal, 1935 and 1936, the unemployment rate in America only went down from 9.9 percent to 9.1 percent(Smiley), a mere 0.8 percent, proving that it only had a small beneficial effect on the unemployment and work rates. This shows that although the first New Deal may have had a good effect on unemployment, on the other hand the second didn’t do that great at relieving unemployment rates in the end or long run. Let’s wrap up this paper, how bou dat?(It’s a meme, I thought it was funny and I hope you get it, if you don’t please don’t dock my