With the New English colonies increase of migration and the tales we hear of this New World, it peaked my interested to see this New World for myself. Is it as good as the people say? Is the freedom as liberating as we hear? I write this unfortunately to you back in England from the voyage to the colonies. The colonies are new, free and full of life. I detest that I sit back home in England when I know what the colonies have to offer.
Speaking as a woman myself, the freedom granted to women surpasses any I have experienced here. I spoke to one woman in particular from Caroline who spoke of the workforce advance of women. She said, "Many of the women are very handy." and that "They are ready to help their husbands in any service work." (pg 61 Freedom). As opposed to my position here in England, that is to bring my husband an heir, i'll take the colonial life. She also …show more content…
Maryland, Plymouth, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania are a few colonies that were founded in the hopes of giving protection to religions from prosecution. The colonies were filled to the brim with various religions. I remember being told the stories of the inquisition. The church had killed and tortured those not of their religion, and before that the Spanish had pushed out every Jew and Muslim from their country. Europe's history is intertwined with the oppression of any religion but Christianity. But in Pennsylvania one man spoke of the various religions he found around him as well, " We find their Lutherans, Reformed, Catholics, Quakers, Mennonites or Anabaptists, Herrn Hunters or Moravian Brethren, Pietists, Seventh-day baptists, Dunkers, Presbyterians, jews, Mohammedans, and Pagans." (pg 95 Liberty.) Not only are these religions there and being worshiped, the long hatred for the Protestants is protected through the Toleration Act of 1690 which gives all Protestants the rights to worship