New Enterprise Creation
Group Members
Muhammad Abdillah Shah Bin Hussain
Liang Chen
Chaanru Krishna Moorthy
Matriculation ID:
Mr Willard Tan
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About Us
Singaporeans lead a very stressful lifestyle having to juggle their careers and personal time. Most of them often find it hard to strike a balance and end up spending more time at their jobs. When given a well-deserved break they either head over to neighboring countries or have a staycation here. Regardless of the location they always seem to want a massage or spa treatments. Our company SPAcialist is a one-stop website for spagoers to review, plan and book their next spa package. We allow local spas to advertise with us and consumers can view and book a package through our website and they will be rewarded with loyalty points as well.
Target Audience
Singapore is by far one of the most stressful countries in the world to live in and one of the costliest. With the recent influx of foreigners it has become so much of a rat race that Singaporeans are among the seventh unhappy employees in the Asia-Pacific region. They also most likely to go for a spa retreat over the weekend. The Gross
Domestic Product per capita in Singapore was last recorded at 53266.08 US dollars in
2012, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in
Singapore, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 242 percent of the world 's average. GDP per capita PPP in Singapore averaged 33093.16 USD from
1980 until 2012, reaching an all-time high of 53877.93 USD in 2011 and a record low of 15115.98 USD in 1980. GDP per capita PPP in Singapore is reported by the World
We have chosen Maybank as the institution, the amount will be $50,000
References: Garrow, J., 2005. Intelligent Spas Releases New Research Identifying Key Differences Between Female Versus Male Spa Consumers Inland Revenue Athority of Singapore, 2011. IRAS’ AUDIT ON BEAUTY AND WELLNESS INDUSTRY Lin, M., 2014. Hitting the gym can hit your wallet. [Online] Available at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singaporestories/story/hitting-the-gym-can-hit-your-wallet-20140607 Verikios, M., 2007. Spa a booming market for Singapore. [Online] Available at: http://www.traveldailynews.asia/news/article/16953/spa-abooming-market-for Page | 20 Appendix 3 – Cash flow forecast (Good Scenario 2015) Page | 21 Appendix 4 – Cash flow forecast (Good Scenario 2016) Page | 22 Appendix 5 – Cash flow forecast (Good Scenario 2017) Page | 23 Appendix 6 – Cash flow forecast (Expected Scenario 2015) Page | 24 Appendix 7 – Cash flow forecast (Expected Scenario 2016) Page | 25 Appendix 8 – Cash flow forecast (Expected Scenario 2017) Page | 26 Appendix 9 – Cash flow forecast (Bad Scenario 2015) Page | 27 Appendix 10 – Cash flow forecast (Bad Scenario 2016) Page | 28 Appendix 11 – Cash flow forecast (Bad Scenario 2017) Page | 29 Appendix 12 – Profit & Loss (Good Scenario 2015, 2016, 2017) Page | 30 Appendix 13 – Profit & Loss (Expected Scenario 2015, 2016, 2017) Page | 31 Appendix 14 – Profit & Loss (Bad Scenario 2015, 2016, 2017)