‘‘New JIT’’: A new management technology principle at Toyota
Kakuro Amasaka*,1
Aoyama Gakuin University, 6-16-1, Chitosedai, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8572, Japan
Abstract A future successful global marketer must develop an excellent quality management system that impresses users and continuously provides excellent, quality products in a timely manner through corporate management. The author proposes New JIT, a new management technology principle for manufacturing in the 21st century. New JIT contains hardware and software systems as next-generation technical principles for transforming management technology into the management strategy. The hardware system consists of the Toyota Marketing System (TMS), Toyota Development System (TDS) and Toyota Production System (TPS). These are the three core elements required for establishing new management technologies in the marketing, engineering and production divisions. To improve work process, quality of all divisions concerned with development, production and sales, the author proposes Toyota Total Quality Management utilizing Science SQC (TQM-S) as the software system. The author believes that New JIT’s effectiveness has been demonstrated as described herein based on the author’s experience at Toyota. r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: New JIT; Three core elements (TMS, TDS, TPS); TQM-S; Science SQC
1. Introduction The production technology principle Japan contributed to the world in the latter half of the 20th century was the Japanese-style production system typified by the Toyota Production System (TPS). This system was enhanced by the quality management technology principle generally referred to as Just In Time (JIT). Today, however, improvements in the quality of Japanese-style management technology principles are strongly desired in the face of unexpected quality-related
*Tel.: +81-3-5384-3795; fax: +81-3-5384-6500. E-mail address: kakuro
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