comparing both, lovers of food will note their shared and differing characteristics only to find Mexican cuisine is simply superior. Chile is a staple in both states. It is an ingredient numerous New Mexicans and fellow Mexicans have come to love and enjoy for many generations. Recipe after recipe has been passed down, each sharing one particular ingredient in common: red or green chile. In New Mexico, the question of whether individuals prefer the green or red version of this popular fruit is a constant one with New Mexico “being the only state that has an official state question” (Floyd). Both states use chile as a staple for a variety of dishes. Despite this fact however, toasted green chile on a burger, as it is used in New Mexico, proves to be no competition for the rich red chile sauce found smothered in authentic Mexican enchiladas. New Mexico uses chile to complement their dishes; in Chihuahua chile is the dish itself. Bold and spicy flavor accompanies menudo as well as tamales; in Chihuahua there can’t be a dish without its accompanying spice. Both states share their love for picante but it’s not a reach to say Chihuahua does spice better. Flavor is an important part of both Chihuahua and New Mexican cuisine. There’s numerous flavors to choose from when it comes to typical regional food. New Mexican cooking differs in a way that many notice. Flavors in the area happen to not be as bold or distinct as say a plate of typical Mexican cooked beans and red chile. Tastes in that part of the southwest happen to be increasingly fresh and mellow, with yellow cheese and sour cream making constant appearances as well as chopped lettuce. Food in Chihuahua might boast less vegetables in its go-to ingredient list but there’s not doubt that a batch of freshly made flour tortillas and beans provide greater flavor. A large number of individuals tend to think that due to Chihuahua, being a part of Mexican cuisine, including less vegetables in its repertoire of incredibly delicious dishes the amount of health-related issues increases, but in truth “authentic Mexican cuisine can be heart-healthy and even slimming” as it includes “slowly digested foods” that may “provide protection from type 2 diabetes” (Corapi). Health does not begin and end with vegetables; there are other foods that are just as invigorating to the human body. Drinks are a compliment to any meal and desserts provide comfort after. Both are important in different ways yet something Mexican cuisine has mastered fully. Drinks in New Mexico are not typical of that region, with sugary sodas making way in each food stand. On the other hand, typical drinks found in Chihuahua such as champurrados and aguas dulces explode with flavor while being true only to Mexican typical foods. One would never think something as simple as a bottle of Coca Cola would prompt an increasing number of comparisons between America and Mexico. In one particular video on Youtube, seven individuals were made to try both versions with the grand majority giving the vote of favoritism to the Mexican sugary drink (Mexican Coke vs American Coke Taste Test). A wide variety of desserts are also available within the largest Mexican state in such a way that rice with sweetened milk and cinnamon is a sweet tooth favorite along with an even greater diversity of sweet breads. Sopapillas and biscochitos found even in the remotest corners of The Land of Enchantment are no match to the sweeter and incredibly comforting cakes and breads Chihuahua has to offer. Frequently will individuals attempt to duplicate popular selections found in Chihuahua, but none will be able to truly capture the sweet taste of a good Mexican dessert. Each culture has its own customs and celebrations.
Activities amongst individuals have been a way to get together and commemorate the history of their origins. Both New Mexico and Chihuahua have their own customs. New Mexico boasts a number of colorful and culturally diverse celebrations; from Native American Powwows to the various Fiestas held at distinct locations along the state. It is almost impossible for any New Mexican to feel bored when it comes to these dates. Chihuahua, on the other hand, shares all of the celebrations its country has in store, each date unique and special in its own way. When it comes to food during holidays, both states have a lot to offer but New Mexico, once again, falls victim to the fact that their food is heavily based on Mexican cuisine. Tamales and menudo, as mentioned previously, are both tasty Mexican dishes which happen to be immensely popular on special dates in the American state. New Mexico does not provide a lot of originality when it pertains to their holiday meals. Standing on the opposite side of the spectrum, Chihuahua keeps rights to original and delicious holiday …show more content…
cooking. In summary, both states provide ample selections when it comes to cuisine.
Either location is sure to please the palate in distinct and individual ways. Mexico has consistently maintained influence all over the world thanks to their incredibly appetizing and colorful dishes; it is nearly impossible not to enjoy a full plate of enchiladas despite what state prepared them. New Mexico, to its credit, has added a unique font to many of Mexico’s signature dishes and drinks. Having personally tried both styles of cooking, this author can agree on what has been made obvious for years, Mexico just does food better. There are incredibly appetizing dishes that New Mexico twists and makes their own, but it is Chihuahua cuisine that remains at the forefront of the race for taste. Opinions are a right and numerous; regardless of personal taste, however, flavors from the southwest are so diverse that there is sure to be something waiting to please the