But these people were more fortunate than some, failure of prevent Katrina lead to at least 986 Louisiana resident’s deaths. 40% of the deaths were caused by drowning, 25% of the deaths were from injury and trauma, and 11% of the deaths were caused by other health conditions, with nearly half victims over 74 years of age (Allison). 80%of the flooding was in areas where mostly poor people were living under sea level and with over 240,000 resident’s houses suffer toxic floodwater over four feet of sustained (Verderber). That make New Orleans’ community struggle against the disaster literature and restore of neighborhood settlement. After the Katrina the negative effects was not over, From 2000 to 2010, New Orleans East citywide vacancy was doubled to 25%, many neighborhoods experienced abandoned. People are complaining of areas that houses are abandoned, many parents were worry it is not good for children to hanging around and place for dealing drug, gun, and other illegal activity and make it harder to recover. By a few assessments, about 44,000 New Orleans houses were viewed as cursed starting 2010, however, the city had issues …show more content…
Due to the data resources of Statistical Area the population of Village De L’est change in 2000-2010 from 12,912 to 8,008 which drops to -4604 with the total households of 2,414 (Village De L’est). It clearly shows that the population of Village De L’est is decreased to one-third due to the hurricane. Not only that the gender also changed to female 49.4% and male 50.6% and the ages are 18 years old or younger is 27.1%, 18-50 years old is 64.1% and 50 or older is 8.17% (Village De L’est). This shows that the community of Village De L’est is pretty young with dominate of 64 to 100 is an adult which proportion to the average income of $42,125 and 80.1% is work for wage or salary (Village De L’est). With a dominate of the young community, the neighborhood could have a better advantage of new development and future that will help it richer. With that being says 43.4% of the population is black, 44.7% is asian, 1.5% is white, and 8.9% is other (Village De L’est). Village De L’est is mostly dominated by black and asian and has not changed much since Katrina. And after the hurricane, the number of housing units left is 2,836 with 85.1% occupied and 14.9% vacant. The vacant units are most likely being left by residents left and never get to be restored because of the great damages or the owner never returned. Village De L’est is possible