Vol 66, No. 5;May 2013
Title: New Toll to Predict Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment
Result for Each Patient
Ieva Tolmane (Corresponding author)
Latvian University, Riga, Latvia
Riga East university hospital, Infectology Center of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Address: Linezera Street 3, Riga, Latvia, LV 1006
Phone: +371 29266740, Fax: +371 67014568
E-mail: ieva.tolmane@inbox.lv, ieva.tolmane@aslimnica.lv
Baiba Rozentale
Riga Stradin’s University, Infectology and Dermatology department, Riga, Latvia
Riga East university hospital, Infectology Center of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Address: Linezera Street 3, Riga, Latvia, LV 1006
Phone: +371 67014500, Fax: +371 67014568
E-mail: baiba.rozentale@aslimnica.lv
Jazeps Keiss
Riga East university hospital, Infectology Center of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Address: Linezera Street 3, Riga, Latvia, LV 1006
Phone: +371 67014541, Fax: +371 67014568
E-mail: jazeps.keishs@aslimnica.lv
Andrejs Ivanovs
Riga Stradin’s University, Infectology and Dermatology department, Riga, Latvia
Phone: +371 29434381
ISSN 1661-464X
Archives Des Sciences
Vol 66, No. 5;May 2013
E-mail: andrejs@datuapstrade.lv
Raimonds Simanis
Riga Stradin’s University, Infectology and Dermatology department, Riga, Latvia
Phone: +371 29372777
E-mail: raimonds.simanis@e-teliamtc.lv
The research is financed by European Social Found as a bursary for corresponding author.
Background & Aims: With the standard treatment sustained virology response (SVR) can be achieved in only 54 to 63% of patients. There are many factors influencing therapy result.
The aim of this study was to develop method to prognosticate SVR in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C.
Methods: There were 264 chronic hepatitis C patients included in the study. All patients received standard treatment with interferon plus ribavirin and were divided into 2 groups – 140 (53%) responders, 124 (47%) non-responders. We analyzed 30