New York Rent Control Program Arch 735 Pooya Amin Javaheri and provide a reasonable rate based on the apartment specification which was the first attempt in the country to put some control on the rentals and prevent unreasonable increase in rents. It was a successful program and other cities around the US began to follow New York and regulate …show more content…
In a rent controlled apartment, once the tenants disappear unless they have family member rent control will disappear. The number of people who live on the rent control continually decreasing every year. Because those people from fifties, sixties, and seventies are dying. If they moved in when they were twenty, now they are seventy or more. So when they go, rent control would end for my apartment. The landlord will take the property and fix it up and he puts in a high income rental with a rate more than 4 or 5 times of the previous controlled rate. As a result, the new tenant’s level of income would be way more than the old one. While still there are low or